Wp cron event (WP-CLI)

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$ wp help cron event


  wp cron event


  Schedules, runs, and deletes WP-Cron events.


  wp cron event <command>


  delete          Deletes all scheduled cron events for the given hook.
  list            Lists scheduled cron events.
  run             Runs the next scheduled cron event for the given hook.
  schedule        Schedules a new cron event.
  unschedule      Unschedules all cron events for a given hook.


    # Schedule a new cron event
    $ wp cron event schedule cron_test
    Success: Scheduled event with hook 'cron_test' for 2016-05-31 10:19:16 GMT.

    # Run all cron events due right now
    $ wp cron event run --due-now
    Success: Executed a total of 2 cron events.

    # Delete all scheduled cron events for the given hook
    $ wp cron event delete cron_test
    Success: Deleted 2 instances of the cron event 'cron_test'.

    # List scheduled cron events in JSON
    $ wp cron event list --fields=hook,next_run --format=json
    [{"hook":"wp_version_check","next_run":"2016-05-31 10:15:13"},{"hook":"wp_update_plugins","next_run":"2016-05-31
    10:15:13"},{"hook":"wp_update_themes","next_run":"2016-05-31 10:15:14"}]

See also