Wp cron event list (WP-CLI)

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$ wp help cron event list


  wp cron event list


  Lists scheduled cron events.


  wp cron event list [--fields=<fields>] [--<field>=<value>] [--field=<field>] [--format=<format>]


    Limit the output to specific object fields.

    Filter by one or more fields.

    Prints the value of a single field for each event.

    Render output in a particular format.
    default: table
      - table
      - csv
      - ids
      - json
      - count
      - yaml


  These fields will be displayed by default for each cron event:
  * hook
  * next_run_gmt
  * next_run_relative
  * recurrence

  These fields are optionally available:
  * time
  * sig
  * args
  * schedule
  * interval
  * next_run


    # List scheduled cron events
    $ wp cron event list
    | hook              | next_run_gmt        | next_run_relative   | recurrence |
    | wp_version_check  | 2016-05-31 22:15:13 | 11 hours 57 minutes | 12 hours   |
    | wp_update_plugins | 2016-05-31 22:15:13 | 11 hours 57 minutes | 12 hours   |
    | wp_update_themes  | 2016-05-31 22:15:14 | 11 hours 57 minutes | 12 hours   |

    # List scheduled cron events in JSON
    $ wp cron event list --fields=hook,next_run --format=json
    [{"hook":"wp_version_check","next_run":"2016-05-31 10:15:13"},{"hook":"wp_update_plugins","next_run":"2016-05-31
    10:15:13"},{"hook":"wp_update_themes","next_run":"2016-05-31 10:15:14"}]


Formatting updated myself:

$ wp cron event list | grep jetpack

       hook                next_run_gmt      next_run_relative   recurrence
--------------------   -------------------   -----------------   ----------
jetpack_clean_nonces   2023-12-05 07:30:31	  now	           1 hour
jetpack_v2_heartbeat   2023-12-05 07:30:31	  now	           1 day

See also