Producten in bulk verwijderen (WordPress PHP-API)

Uit De Vliegende Brigade
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Probeersel (mei 2019)

Ik ben er bijna, maar ik krijg get_pages nog niet aan de praat (project rt.ww):

# dvb_delete_all_products
# get_pages doet 't niet

function dvb_delete_all_products() 

	$arg = array
		'post_type'	=> 'product'
	$products = get_pages();

  //   $myproducts = get_pages( array( 'post_type' => 'products') );
 	// print_r($myproducts);

    // foreach ( $myproducts as $myproduct ) 
    // {
    // 	# Display post-IDs
    // 	#######################################
    // 	#
    // 	echo "Post-ID: ".$myproduct->ID."\n";

    //     # Delete all products
    // 	#######################################
    // 	#
    // 	# Set to False to move to Trash
    // 	#
    //     wp_delete_post( $myproduct->ID, true);
    // } 

Probeersel (2)

Het begin is er - Ik kan alleen geen vertalingen verwijderen. Die verschijnen niet

# Get all products and/or images
print "\n===================================================\n";
print "===================================================\n";
print "===================================================\n";

# Libraries
$pad = "/home/strompf/www/rt.dvb/";
require_once($pad . "wp-load.php");

# These libraries seem not to be needed
# require_once($pad . 'wp-admin/includes/media.php');
# require_once($pad . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php');
# require_once($pad . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');

# get_pages - Wrong function
// $pages = get_pages();
// print_r($pages);

# get_pages - Wrong function
# Appearantly, products are not "pages" in the sense of this
# function - You just don't get them!
// $args = array
// (
//     'post_type' => 'product'
// );
// $pages = get_pages($args);
// print_r($pages);

# get_posts - Prints only Dutch products!
# * The trick is, that if you don't specify otherwise, some 
#   default values are in place, like 
#   * 'post_type'   =>  'page'
#   * 'numberposts' =>  72
# * I still only get 23 products - Exactly all Dutch products
#   but no translations
// $args     = array
// ( 
//     'numberposts'   =>  72,
//     'post_type'     => 'product'
// );

// $products = get_posts( $args );
// print_r($products);

# Delete!
// $args     = array
// ( 
//     'numberposts'   =>  1000,
//     'post_type'     => 'product'
// );

// $products = get_posts( $args );
// print_r($products);
// $i=0;

// foreach ($products as $product)
// {
//     $i++;
//     echo $i." Post-ID: ".$product->ID."\n";
//     wp_delete_post($product->ID, true);
// }

# get_posts - Get translations - Not working
$args     = array
    'numberposts'   =>  -1,
    'post_type'     => 'product',
    'category'      => 1

$products = get_posts( $args );

foreach ($products as $product)
    echo $i." Post-ID: ".$product->ID."\n";

Zie ook
