Arrays (Bash): verschil tussen versies

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Regel 43: Regel 43:
Note that the entities are printed on one line - That might help you to detect variables that may look like arrays, but are just weird multi-line variables, or whatever.
Note that the entities are printed on one line - That might help you to detect variables that may look like arrays, but are just weird multi-line variables, or whatever.
== It's called an entry ===
== It's called an entry ==
The thingy that an array is composed of, seems to be called ''entry''. I'm surprised how many synonyms I know for this word, but when confused, I might just call it an ''entry''.
The thingy that an array is composed of, seems to be called ''entry''. I'm surprised how many synonyms I know for this word, but when confused, I might just call it an ''entry''.

Versie van 18 okt 2022 17:34

In Bash, an array is a one-dimensional sequence of variables.

An array has only one dimension

In Bash, there are no multi-dimensional arrays. You have associative arrays which may trick you in believing they are multi-dimensional, but they really aren't.

So, an array is pretty much like a vector: A sequence of entities.

This article is only about these 'normal', 'straight' arrays. Not about associative arrays.

Base zero

With normal arrays, I don't think you get a say about how the index looks like. It's just an integer sequence, and it starts at 0: Bash arrays are base zero.

j=(1 2 3 blub Blub enough)
echo "Array j: ${j[@]}"
echo "Index j: ${!j[@]}"


Array j: 1 2 3 blub Blub enough
Index j: 0 1 2 3 4 5

No declaration

An array doesn't need to be declared before being used:

j=(1 2 3 blub Blub enough)
echo "Array j: ${j[@]}"


Array j: 1 2 3 blub Blub enough

Note that the entities are printed on one line - That might help you to detect variables that may look like arrays, but are just weird multi-line variables, or whatever.

It's called an entry

The thingy that an array is composed of, seems to be called entry. I'm surprised how many synonyms I know for this word, but when confused, I might just call it an entry.



a=(1 2 "Drie" 4 "Vijf")

echo $a        # Returns "1" - First item of the array
echo $a[0]     # Returns "1[0]" - The [0] part is treated as a literal
echo ${a[0]}   # Returns "1"
echo ${a[@]}   # Returns "1 2 3 4" - whole array

Nog een beginnetje:


echo $a        # Toont alleen eerste element
echo $a[0]     # Output: Null[0] - Waarschijnlijk niet wat de bedoeling was
echo ${a[1]}   # OK

Associative arrays

An associative array is an array where the index doesn't have to be a number. I really like them, and I abuse them a lot to make you think they're actually multi-dimensional arrays. See Associative arrays (Bash) for more.

Length of an array


echo "Length of array j0: ${#j0[@]}"

Return all indices

${!j[@]} returns all indices. Can be handy as input for a loop. E.g.:

unset j
mapfile -t j < <( wp post list --post_type=product --field=ID --posts_per_page=64 )

echo "Number of items: ${!j[@]}"

Output (some output removed):

Number of items: 0 1 2 3 ... 64 65

Loop through array entries

Dit werkt. Merk op dat $i de waarde van de cel bevat, niet de index:

array=( one two three )
for i in "${array[@]}"
   echo "$i"

Loop through array index

Rather than going through the entries of an array, let's loop through its index. Note that this is base 0:

array=( one two three )
for i in "${!array[@]}"
   echo "Index: $i - Value: ${array[i]}"


Index: 0 - Value: one
Index: 1 - Value: two
Index: 2 - Value: three


Use unset to destroy an array. But do you really need it?


j=(1 2 3 enough)
echo "Size j: ${#j[@]}"

j=(5 6)
echo "Size j: ${#j[@]}"

unset j
echo "Size j: ${#j[@]}"


Size j: 4
Size j: 2
Size j: 0
  • When you assign again a value to an array, the old values get overwritten - No need to use unset
  • After unset, its length is 0
  • Might be a good habit to unset an array after use, to free up the memory.

Reading output of a command into an array

I want to use WP-CLI command wp post list to return IDs of products. I want to store these IDs in an array. Subsequently, I want to use parallelisation to do some nifty stuff with these IDs, without having to wait until tomorrow morning for the results.

This doesn't work:

j=$(wp post list --post_type=product --field=ID --posts_per_page=64)

Eventhough echo ${j[@]} gives a promising result, I think it's just one string and not an array.

This works [1]:

unset j
mapfile -t j < <( wp post list --post_type=product --field=ID --posts_per_page=64 | grep . )

echo "Whole array: ${j[@]}"
echo "Item 5: ${j[5]}"

With grep . to trim some leading whitespace.

BTW: mapfile really creates an array, and not some kind of multi-line variable or a variable with a lot of spaces & numbers.

Arithmatic with arrays

This works, so no (()) black magic today. At least, not here:

echo "Entry i (=5): ${j[$i]}"
echo "Entry i+1: ${j[$i+1]}"
echo "Entry 6: ${j[6]}"

Merge arrays


i1=(1 2 drie vier)
i2=(4 5 blub Blub)
echo "Array i1: ${i1[@]}"
echo "Array i2: ${i2[@]}"

i3=( "${i1[@]}" "${i2[@]}" )
echo "Array i3: ${i3[@]}"


Array i1: 1 2 drie vier
Array i2: 4 5 blub Blub
Array i3: 1 2 drie vier 4 5 blub Blub


Single item using '+='

j=(1 2 3 4 enough)
j+=("One more")
echo ${j[@]}


1 2 3 4 enough One more

Another array using '+='

j=(1 2 3 4 enough)
k=(3 4 vijf)

echo ${j[@]}


1 2 3 4 enough 3 4 vijf

Single item by index

With ${#j[@]}, we retrieve the number of entries. This would also be the index for a new entry, as Bash arrays are base zero:

j=(1 2 3 4 enough)
echo ${#j[@]}
j[${#j[@]}]="Oops, just one more"
echo ${#j[@]}
echo ${j[@]}


1 2 3 4 enough Oops, just one more

Case: Something doesn't add up (2022.10)

The output of a WP-CLI command is read into an array. But how long is the array? There seem to be 64, 65 and/or 66 items, depending on how you ask:

unset j
mapfile -t j < <( wp post list --post_type=product --field=ID --posts_per_page=64 )

echo "Whole array: ${j[@]}"        # 64 IDs
echo "Item 5: ${j[5]}"
echo "All indices: ${!j[@]}"       # 0 to 65 = 66 indices
echo "Number of items: ${#j[@]}"   # 66

Answer: The first two entries contain NULL: WP-CLI creates quite some whitespace. Use grep . to filter out this whitespace:

unset j
mapfile -t j < <( wp post list --post_type=product --field=ID --posts_per_page=64 | grep . )

echo "Whole array: ${j[@]}"
echo "Item 5: ${j[5]}"
echo "All indices: ${!j[@]}"
echo "Number of items: ${#j[@]}"

See also
