Terminology (bookkeeping)

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I'm already struggling with bookkkeeping terminology in Dutch, my native language. And the more in English. Let's use this article to keep terms & translations consistent.

Both Dutch & English entries might be included here. Or one entry might mention the other entry, without the latter having a separate heading - Whatever.

Accounts payable

NL: Handelskrediteuren.

  • Account payable is not to be confused with regular creditors: This is short term credit, from the time between receiving an invoice and paying the invoice. It's not like 'real' credit - Only a float.
  • That's why in Dutch, handelskrediteuren is a better name than just krediteuren.

Example: VAT at closing balance

At a closing balance of any given year, there is likely to be a post at credit concerning VAT that has to be disbursed to the Belastingdienst over the last period of that year. That would be called Creditor: Belastingdienst (VAT to be disbursed) or something like that. This is credit, not accounts payable.

The moment this VAT submission is done, this amount changes to accounts payable: Only now it became a regular account payable.

Accounts receivable

NL: Debiteuren

BTW: Verschuldigd

  • BTW: Verschuldigd is VAT that has been invoiced to the company's customers and that has to be disbursed to the tax authorities.
  • English: VAT: Due

BTW: Voorbelasting

This is VAT that has been incurred in purchases done by the company:

  • NL: BTW: Voorbelasting
  • EN: VAT: Pretax.

Chart of accounts - Rekeningschema

Chart of accounts [1] or rekeningschema: List of all accounts or grootboekrekeningen

Debet - Debit

Financieel feit

I'm often struggling with how to call the stuff that you put on a line in a bookkeeping:

  • Financieel feit [2]
  • Journaalpost - That's how it appears in the bookkeeping. That's not exactly what I'm looking for here
  • Bookkeeping fact (EN).

General ledger - Grootboek

General ledger or grootboek: The collection of all accounts or grootboekrekeningen


This means the same as leverancierskrediteuren: Credit or float from suppliers.


  • Accounts payable
  • (Supplier credit - Supplier creditors)
  • (Trade credit? - Trade creditors?_


Journaalpost: A mutation in an administration where debit and credit are balanced: It always involves at least two lines, regels or mutations [3]

Means of production


Onttrekking privé

  • Private withdrawal
  • Withdrawal private?


How do you call the act of putting stuff in a bookkeeping?

  • EN: Posting [4]
  • NL: Inboeken.


  • Current account
  • (Checking account)


  • NL: Omzet
  • EN: Revenue - Not turnover.

VAT: Due

BTW: Verschuldigd

VAT: Pretax

BTW: Voorbelasting
