Google Product Feed (WooCommerce plugin, Ademti)

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The Google Product Feed plugin is developed by a company called Ademti, and sold through WooCommerce [1]. It's probably the closest thing to a 'native WooCommerce product feed plugin'.

My first impression (2022.10) is one of dissapointment: It seems quite limited, compaired to Product Feed Pro (AdTribes) that we used before. A customization that we usually need, is to replace images by externally hosted images (because of logos). With Product Feed Pro, that's a piece of cake. With this plugin, it seems only possible through coding.


After installation:

  • Plugins » WooCommerce Google Product Feed
  • WooCommerce » Settings » Product Feeds: General settings. Aka. main extention page
  • WooCommerce » Product Feeds: Instantiated product feeds.

See also
