Wp taxonomy (WP-CLI)

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Met wp taxonomy kun je informatie opvragen over taxononomieën, maar niet wijzigen. Dat laatste kan wel met bijvoorbeeld wp term, en diverse wp wc-subcommando's.

wp help taxonomy

wp taxonomy


  Retrieves information about registered taxonomies.


  wp taxonomy <command>


  get       Gets details about a registered taxonomy.
  list      Lists registered taxonomies.

  See references for [built-in taxonomies][1] and [custom taxonomies][2].

  [1] https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/categories-tags-custom-taxonomies/
  [2] https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/taxonomies/working-with-custom-taxonomies/


    # List all taxonomies with 'post' object type.
    $ wp taxonomy list --object_type=post --fields=name,public
    | name        | public |
    | category    | 1      |
    | post_tag    | 1      |
    | post_format | 1      |

    # Get capabilities of 'post_tag' taxonomy.
    $ wp taxonomy get post_tag --field=cap

wp taxonomy get

wp taxonomy list

Krijg een overzicht van taxonomieën.

Voorbeeld (impressie):

wp taxonomy list

| name             | label            | description | object_type            | show_tagcloud | hierarchical | public |
| category         | Categories       |             | post                   | 1             | 1            | 1      |
| post_tag         | Tags             |             | post                   | 1             |              | 1      |
| nav_menu         | Navigation Menus |             | nav_menu_item          |               |              |        |
| link_category    | Link Categories  |             | link                   | 1             |              |        |
| post_format      | Formats          |             | post                   |               |              | 1      |
| wp_theme         | Themes           |             | wp_template            |               |              |        |
| product_type     | Product type     |             | product                |               |              |        |
| product_visibili | Product visibili |             | product, product_varia |               |              |        |
| ty               | ty               |             | tion                   |               |              |        |
| product_cat      | Product categori |             | product                | 1             | 1            | 1      |
|                  | es               |             |                        |               |              |        |
| product_tag      | Product tags     |             | product                | 1             |              | 1      |
| product_shipping | Product shipping |             | product, product_varia |               |              | 1      |
| _class           |  classes         |             | tion                   |               |              |        |
| pa_apparaat      | Product Apparaat |             | product                | 1             |              | 1      |
| pa_as_code       | Product As-code  |             | product                | 1             |              | 1      |
| pa_stop          | Product stop?    |             | product                | 1             |              | 1      |