Wp post meta patch update (WP-CLI)

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wp post meta patch update: Update a nested meta field.

NOTE: This command can take an arbitrary number of arguments (key-path) and can take a value from standard input ⇒ When using this in a Bash loop, that goes through the content of a file, the content of the Bash loop will be interpreted as the standard input value - See below

The help text is the same as for wp post meta patch:

$wp help post meta patch update


  wp post meta patch


  Update a nested value for a meta field.


  wp post meta patch <action> <id> <key> <key-path>... [<value>] [--format=<format>]


    Patch action to perform.
      - insert
      - update
      - delete

    The ID of the object.

    The name of the meta field to update.

    The name(s) of the keys within the value to locate the value to patch.

    The new value. If omitted, the value is read from STDIN.

    The serialization format for the value.
    default: plaintext
      - plaintext
      - json

Basic example

This example is a continuation from a similar example at wp post meta get and wp post meta pluck. This is a relatively simple situation as hero_ctas_0_link consists of only 1 level with 3 nested fields.

# hero_ctas_0_link
# * "hero_ctas_0_link" is the first field with serialised content, when you use
#   "wp post meta list 7"
# * This is a relatively easy field: Only 1 level with 3 nested fields
# * The usual buttonbarbutton URL field, is more complex (see elsewhere)
# OK - "list"
# wp post meta list 7
# wp post meta list 7 --keys="hero_ctas_0_link"
# OK - "get"
# wp post meta get 7 "hero_ctas_0_link"	# OK
# wp post meta get 7 hero_ctas_0_link	# OK
# Output of any of these last get statements:
# array (
#   'title' => 'Bekijk alle widgets',
#   'url' => 'http://en.s1/shop/',
#   'target' => '',
# )
# OK - "pluck"
# wp post meta pluck 7 hero_ctas_0_link         # Error: Compound object
# wp post meta pluck 7 hero_ctas_0_link title   # OK
# wp post meta pluck 7 hero_ctas_0_link url     # OK
# wp post meta pluck 7 hero_ctas_0_link target  # OK
# Output:
# Bekijk alle widgets
# http://en.s1/shop/
# (empty line)
# OK - "patch update" - title field
# wp post meta patch update 7 hero_ctas_0_link title "this_is_updated_title" # OK
# wp post meta get 7 hero_ctas_0_link
# wp post meta patch update 7 hero_ctas_0_link title "title with spaces" # OK
# wp post meta get 7 hero_ctas_0_link
# title="title_without_space"
# wp post meta patch update 7 hero_ctas_0_link title $title   # OK
# wp post meta patch update 7 hero_ctas_0_link title "$title" # OK
# wp post meta get 7 hero_ctas_0_link
# title="title with spaces"
# wp post meta patch update 7 hero_ctas_0_link title $title   # Error due to spaces
# wp post meta patch update 7 hero_ctas_0_link title "$title" # OK
# wp post meta get 7 hero_ctas_0_link
# OK - "patch update" - url field
# URLs don't contain spaces, so that case doesn't need to be tested
# wp post meta patch update 7 hero_ctas_0_link url "http://en.s1/shop-2/" # OK
# wp post meta get 7 hero_ctas_0_link
# url="http://en.s1/shop-3/"
# wp post meta patch update 7 hero_ctas_0_link url $url # OK
# wp post meta get 7 hero_ctas_0_link
# url="http://en.s1/shop-4/"
# wp post meta patch update 7 hero_ctas_0_link url "$url" # OK
# wp post meta get 7 hero_ctas_0_link

Buttonbar button example

This is what I had some major issues with, just some days ago - And now it's all smooth sailing.

# buttonbar_selection_0_link
# * This is the first buttonbar button on the home page
# * It's actually similar in complexity to the example before: 1 Level with
#   just 3 nested values.
# OK - "list"
# wp post meta list 7   # OK
# wp post meta list 7 --keys="buttonbar_selection_0_link"   # OK
# OK - "get"
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link   # OK
# Output:
# array (
#   'title' => '',
#   'url' => 'http://en.s1/aeg/',
#   'target' => '',
# )
# OK - "pluck"
# wp post meta pluck 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link title		# OK
# wp post meta pluck 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link url 		# OK
# wp post meta pluck 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link target 	# OK
# Output:
# (empty line)
# http://en.s1/aeg/
# (empty line)
# OK - "patch update" - title field
# wp post meta patch update 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link title "title_01" # OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link
# wp post meta patch update 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link title "title 02" # OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link
# title="title_03"
# wp post meta patch update 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link title "$title"   # OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link
# title="title 04"
# wp post meta patch update 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link title "$title"   # OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link
# OK - "patch update" - url field
# I had some major trouble with this recently, but now everything seems fine
# and as expected
# wp post meta patch update 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link url "http://en.s1/aeg2/" # OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link
# url="http://en.s1/aeg3/"
# wp post meta patch update 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link url "$url"	# OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link
# post_id=7
# object01="buttonbar_selection_0_link"
# object02="url"
# url="http://en.s1/aeg6/"
# wp post meta patch update $post_id $object01 $object02 "$url"			# OK
# wp post meta patch update "$post_id" $object01 $object02 "$url"		# OK
# wp post meta patch update "$post_id" "$object01" "$object02" "$url"	# OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link
# OK - url field with special values?
# To WordPress, the nested value is just a string, so it doesn't get about
# spaces or other things that would be incorrect in URLs
# post_id=7
# object01="buttonbar_selection_0_link"
# object02="url"
# url="http://en.s1/aeg6/?q=hoi"
# #
# wp post meta patch update $post_id    $object01   $object02  "$url"	# OK
# wp post meta patch update "$post_id"  $object01   $object02  "$url"	# OK
# wp post meta patch update "$post_id" "$object01" "$object02" "$url"	# OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link
# post_id=7
# object01="buttonbar_selection_0_link"
# object02="url"
# url="http://en.s1/aeg6/ / "
# #
# wp post meta patch update $post_id    $object01   $object02  "$url"	# OK
# wp post meta patch update "$post_id"  $object01   $object02  "$url"	# OK
# wp post meta patch update "$post_id" "$object01" "$object02" "$url"	# OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link
# OK - title field with special values?
# post_id=7
# object01="buttonbar_selection_0_link"
# object02="title"
# title='He said "hoi"?'
# #
# wp post meta patch update $post_id    $object01   $object02  "$title"	# OK
# wp post meta patch update "$post_id"  $object01   $object02  "$title"	# OK
# wp post meta patch update "$post_id" "$object01" "$object02" "$title"	# OK
# wp post meta get 7 buttonbar_selection_0_link

Problem with Bash loop through content

This command can take an arbitrary number of arguments (key-path) and can take a value from standard input ⇒ When using this in a Bash loop, that goes through the content of a file, the content will be interpreted as the standard input value, causing errors like:

Error: No data exists for key "http://en.s1/aeg6/"

whereby the cited string is actually the value and not the last part of the key-path as how it is interpreted here.

This problem reproduced

# Problem with "wp post meta patch update" reproduced
# Prologue
echo ""; echo ""
echo "########################################################################################"
echo "# wp_slash_problem_reproduced.sh"
echo "########################################################################################"
echo ""

# collect_meta_posts_with_spaces_inside_urls()
   sql_query='select post_id, meta_id, meta_key from wp_postmeta '
   sql_query+='join wp_posts on post_id=ID where '
   sql_query+='meta_key like "buttonbar%selection%link" and '
   sql_query+='meta_value like "% /%" and post_type="page"'

   wp db query "$sql_query" --skip-column-names > /tmp/data_output.csv

# fix_spaces_inside_urls
   # Read and process the file line by line
   while read -r post_id meta_id meta_key
      # Retrieve & echo stuff
      echo ""
      echo "########################################"
      echo "   post_id: $post_id"
      echo "   meta_key: $meta_key"
      url=$(wp post meta pluck $post_id $meta_key "url")
      echo "   url: $url"

      # Update meta field - NOT OK
      # Here it is where the current line from "/tmp/data_output.csv"
      # gets appened to this command
      wp post meta patch update $post_id $meta_key url "$url"
   done < "/tmp/data_output.csv"

cd /var/www/en.s1


Just a couple of bytes can make such a difference:

# Problem with "wp post meta patch update" reproduced
# Prologue
echo ""; echo ""
echo "########################################################################################"
echo "# wp_slash_problem_reproduced.sh"
echo "########################################################################################"
echo ""

# collect_meta_posts_with_spaces_inside_urls()
   sql_query='select post_id, meta_id, meta_key from wp_postmeta '
   sql_query+='join wp_posts on post_id=ID where '
   sql_query+='meta_key like "buttonbar%selection%link" and '
   sql_query+='meta_value like "% /%" and post_type="page"'

   wp db query "$sql_query" --skip-column-names > /tmp/data_output.csv

# fix_spaces_inside_urls
   # Read and process the file line by line
   while read -u 10 post_id meta_id meta_key
      # Retrieve & echo stuff
      echo ""
      echo "########################################"
      echo "   post_id: $post_id"
      echo "   meta_key: $meta_key"
      url=$(wp post meta pluck $post_id $meta_key "url")
      echo "   url: $url"

      # Update meta field - NOT OK
      # Here it is where the current line from "/tmp/data_output.csv"
      # gets appened to this command
      wp post meta patch update $post_id $meta_key url "$url"
   done 10< "/tmp/data_output.csv"

cd /var/www/en.s1

See also
