Wp db export (WP-CLI)

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  wp db export


  Exports the database to a file or to STDOUT.


  wp db export [<file>] [--dbuser=<value>] [--dbpass=<value>] [--<field>=<value>] [--tables=<tables>]
  [--exclude_tables=<tables>] [--include-tablespaces] [--porcelain] [--defaults]



  Runs `mysqldump` utility using `DB_HOST`, `DB_NAME`, `DB_USER` and
  `DB_PASSWORD` database credentials specified in wp-config.php. Accepts any valid `mysqldump` flags.


    The name of the SQL file to export. If '-', then outputs to STDOUT. If
    omitted, it will be '{dbname}-{Y-m-d}-{random-hash}.sql'.

    Username to pass to mysqldump. Defaults to DB_USER.

    Password to pass to mysqldump. Defaults to DB_PASSWORD.

    Extra arguments to pass to mysqldump. [Refer to mysqldump

    The comma separated list of specific tables to export. Excluding this parameter will export all tables in the

    The comma separated list of specific tables that should be skipped from exporting. Excluding this parameter will
    export all tables in the database.

    Skips adding the default --no-tablespaces option to mysqldump.

    Output filename for the exported database.

    Loads the environment's MySQL option files. Default behavior is to skip loading them to avoid failures due to


    # Export database with drop query included
    $ wp db export --add-drop-table
    Success: Exported to 'wordpress_dbase-db72bb5.sql'.

    # Export certain tables
    $ wp db export --tables=wp_options,wp_users
    Success: Exported to 'wordpress_dbase-db72bb5.sql'.

    # Export all tables matching a wildcard
    $ wp db export --tables=$(wp db tables 'wp_user*' --format=csv)
    Success: Exported to 'wordpress_dbase-db72bb5.sql'.

    # Export all tables matching prefix
    $ wp db export --tables=$(wp db tables --all-tables-with-prefix --format=csv)
    Success: Exported to 'wordpress_dbase-db72bb5.sql'.

    # Export certain posts without create table statements
    $ wp db export --no-create-info=true --tables=wp_posts --where="ID in (100,101,102)"
    Success: Exported to 'wordpress_dbase-db72bb5.sql'.

    # Export relating meta for certain posts without create table statements
    $ wp db export --no-create-info=true --tables=wp_postmeta --where="post_id in (100,101,102)"
    Success: Exported to 'wordpress_dbase-db72bb5.sql'.

    # Skip certain tables from the exported database
    $ wp db export --exclude_tables=wp_options,wp_users
    Success: Exported to 'wordpress_dbase-db72bb5.sql'.

    # Skip all tables matching a wildcard from the exported database
    $ wp db export --exclude_tables=$(wp db tables 'wp_user*' --format=csv)
    Success: Exported to 'wordpress_dbase-db72bb5.sql'.

    # Skip all tables matching prefix from the exported database
    $ wp db export --exclude_tables=$(wp db tables --all-tables-with-prefix --format=csv)
    Success: Exported to 'wordpress_dbase-db72bb5.sql'.

    # Export database to STDOUT.
    $ wp db export -
    -- MySQL dump 10.13  Distrib 5.7.19, for osx10.12 (x86_64)
    -- Host: localhost    Database: wpdev
    -- ------------------------------------------------------
    -- Serve