Wordfence - Configuration

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Since 2023.11, we standardized (again) on WordFence. See the older article Wordfence (2018-2022) for some drama from those days. This chapter is all new and shiny.

  • This is mainly about some webshops
  • Source: wp-admin » WordFence » All Options

This is not complete.

General Wordfence Options

Disable Code Execution for Uploads directory

  • Ideally, this would be done in the AVHC file (or whatever I called that)
  • Enable - Quite a good idea
  • There is already a .htaccess file in the uploads directory. Problem?

Email Alert Preferences


  • Email me if Wordfence is deactivated
  • Email me if the Wordfence Web Application Firewall is turned off
  • Alert me with scan results of this severity level or greater: Medium
  • Alert me when someone with administrator access signs in » Only alert me when that administrator signs in from a new device
  • Alert me when there's a large increase in attacks detected on my site

Activity Report

  • Enable activity report widget on the WordPress dashboard

Firewall Options

Basic Firewall Options

  • Web Application Firewall Status: Enabled and Protecting

See also