Kamer van Koophandel

Uit De Vliegende Brigade
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  • Most companies and private practitioneers in The Netherlands, are obliged to be registered with their Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) or Chamber of Commerce
  • The Belgium counterpart of KvK is Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO) - Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE). AFAIK, Belgium has an instiution called KvK, but it has a different function.

Non-registered organisations

An impression of organisations that may not have a KvK registration. Note that this does include some entities that are economically active:

Specific businesses & professions

  • Foreign companies without permanent representation in The Netherlands [1]
  • Collaborations of legal entities - VOF van handelspartijen
  • Health care professionals?
  • Lawyers?
  • Maatschappen?

Public entities

Public entities don't have a KvK registration, including:

  • Schools
  • Universities
  • Municipalities
  • Provinces
  • Central government
  • Probably lots and lots of other institutions

Clubs & other

  • Sport clubs
  • Other clubs
  • Organisations without bylaws: In The Netherlands, there is such a beast as an organisatie zonder statuten and they can even get a bank account. AA groups (Alcoholics Anonymous) often fall in this category
  • Kerkgenootschappen
  • Samenwerkingsverbanden van privé-personen
  • Europese vennootschappen - Societas European
  • Europees economisch samenwerkingsverbanden
  • Buitenlandse rechtsvormen
  • Fondsen voor algemene rekening
  • Verenigingen met beperkte rechtsbevoegdheid.

Registered organisations

Some situations where it might not be obvious if registration is needed:

  • Woningbouwverenigingen are most likely registered: Otherwise they wouldn't be able to function, plus that they are probably BVs
  • ?
