Groups (GitLab)

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In GitLab, a "group" is a way to organize multiple projects together. It provides a higher-level structure to manage and collaborate on related repositories. Groups are beneficial for organizing projects that share common goals, teams, or dependencies:

Shared Access Control

Groups allow you to manage access control at a higher level. You can set permissions for a group, and those permissions will be inherited by all the projects within that group. This makes it easier to manage access for multiple projects simultaneously.

Group-level Features

GitLab provides certain features at the group level, such as group-level milestones, group-level issues, group-level wikis, and group-level snippets. These features allow you to manage and track progress across multiple projects within a group.

Group Overview

Each group has its own overview page that provides a summary of activities, issues, merge requests, and more across all projects in the group. This makes it convenient to get a holistic view of the work happening within the group.

Group Roadmap

GitLab also offers a group-level roadmap, allowing you to plan and visualize the progress of multiple projects within the group on a single timeline.

Group-level Settings

Group-level settings enable you to configure various aspects, such as integrations, webhooks, and visibility settings, for all projects within the group.

To create a group in GitLab, you can navigate to the main dashboard, click on the "+" button, and select "New group." After creating a group, you can add existing projects to it or create new projects directly within the group.

Groups are particularly useful for organizations or teams working on multiple related projects, as they provide a centralized and organized way to manage and collaborate on code repositories and other assets.