Coding standards & scaffolding

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My coding standards + snippets that I often reuse, like for checking stuff



  • Use plain UTF-8 with Unix-style line ending
  • In coding, I frequently use special characters including , ø, ő and , so I can't ASCII like it's 1984, neither can I ignore the differences between UTF-8 and other character encoding standards

Line length

End lines at position 80:

  • As a first comment line, I usually have 80 # characters in a row
  • When later in a script, I would again use a 'full row' of # characters, but that line is intended, I would use less characters, so assure a line ending at 80


  • Use real tabs, rather than spaces
  • Length: 3

Note that this might slightly effect the effective line length (e.g., when someone opens a script in an environment with a longer tab length) - Let's not worry about that. Let's also not worry about the general discussion about using tabs vs. spaces.

Comment characters

Use # as default comment character or comment symbol, where possible. E.g., in SQL use # rather than -- or a custom symbol

When using languages that have a choice between 'single line comment characters' and 'opening & closing characters', use the former. E.g., commenting-out something in a PHP file:

// if ( true === $cache )
// {
//    set_transient( 'wc_layered_nav_counts_' . sanitize_title( $taxonomy ), $cached_counts, DAY_IN_SECONDS );
// }


  • Preferably, I stick to 2 levels of headings: 80x# & 40x#
  • Sometimes, this second level gets more than 40 characters, if I can't make a better shorter title
  • Sometimes I include a third level (no specific formatting, except for a : after the title).
  • I usually leave two empty lines before a heading
  • Occasionally I leave two empty lines between a heading + comments in the actual code.


# EanSku - Iteration 06 - Project delivery & project conclusion - Main script
# * Project EanSku - March 2020-April 2020
# * This is the main script - Everything this project does, is incorporated in 
#   this single script
# An annotated multiline query
# This is the only comment under this heading, hence no need to use bullets
# General stuff
select			as post_id,
    wp_posts.post_title		as post_title,
    wp_posts.post_name		as slug,
    wp_posts.post_content	as content,
    wp_posts.guid		as guid,
    wp_postmeta.meta_value	as sku,
    wp_postmeta_03.meta_value	as thumbnail_path,
    wp_postmeta_05.meta_value	as second_image_path,
    wp_postmeta_06.meta_value	as price

# First join to wp_postmeta to retrieve sku
# Note that for this subheading, I used slightly more than 40 character
left join
    on = wp_postmeta.post_id

# Where clause
# * A first note
# * A second note

Check if PWD is a WordPress site (Bash)

# Check if PWD is a WordPress site
if [ -e "wp-config.php" ]

or like this, but keep the spaces around the { & } characters:

# Exit if PWD is not a WordPress site
[ ! -e "wp-config.php" ] && { echo "Not a WordPress site - Exiting"; exit }

Debugging (Bash)

  • Use variable debug as a Boolean to enable or disable debugging information being sent to the console
  • When variable debug is set outside of the script, you have to use source when invoking this script to preserve its value
  • Alternative: Declare debug inside the script
  • Alternative: Have debug as an optional argument when invoking this script (rarely implemented)


Basic example:

# debug="on"
# unset debug
[ "$debug" ] && echo "debug is set"
[ ! "$debug" ] && echo "debug is unset"

Example with multi-line output:

  • Use { & }
  • All commands need to end with a ; when these are on one line
  • { and } need spaces around them:
[ ! -e "wp-config.php" ] && { echo "Not a WordPress site - Exiting"; exit; }
if [ "$debug" ]; then
   echo "Year: $year"
   echo "Month: $month"
[ "$debug" ] && {
   echo ""
   echo "### assign_site_array"


[ "$debug" ] &&
   echo ""
   echo "### assign_site_array"

See also

  • Script

See also

Scaffolding - script examples

  • Debugging