Backlog congestion (Scrum)

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When using Scrum, you could easily end up with a lot of tasks that are not completely finished, or functionality that is quite limited. This could clog up the backlog, also known as backlog congestion. Dealing with incomplete tasks or limited functionality in a Scrum project is a common challenge.


Definition of Done (DoD)

Clearly define and communicate the Definition of Done for each user story or task. The Definition of Done outlines the criteria that must be met for a task to be considered complete. This helps ensure that the work meets the required quality standards before it's marked as done.

Incremental Development

Encourage incremental development, where each sprint delivers a potentially shippable product increment. This means that even if a feature is not fully complete, it should still provide some tangible value and be functional. This approach reduces the likelihood of accumulating a large amount of incomplete work.

In other words: Create a new task or issue for the remaining part of the job at hand.

Review backlog items & document

  • At sprint reviews & retrospectives, go through the whole backlog, to make sure that you still understand what these items are about
  • Formulated differently: Make sure that these items are documented accurately.

Remove stale items

Not clear what an items is? Too old? Just remove them, or maybe create a specific status, like Cancelled for such items.

Limit WIP

Limit the amount of Work in Progress (WIP) for folks, so that team members don't take too many jobs simultaneously.

See also