Wp wc product attribute term list

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wp wc product_attribute_term_list: Show all terms per taxonomy, with attribute_id being the ID of a product attribute taxonomy.

$ wp help wc product_attribute_term list


  wp wc product_attribute_term list


  List all items.


  wp wc product_attribute_term list <attribute_id> [--attribute_id=<attribute_id>] [--context=<context>]
  [--page=<page>] [--per_page=<per_page>] [--search=<search>] [--exclude=<exclude>] [--include=<include>]
  [--offset=<offset>] [--order=<order>] [--orderby=<orderby>] [--hide_empty=<hide_empty>] [--parent=<parent>]
  [--product=<product>] [--slug=<slug>] [--fields=<fields>] [--field=<field>] [--format=<format>]


    Attribute ID.

    Unique identifier for the attribute of the terms.

    Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.

    Current page of the collection.

    Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.

    Limit results to those matching a string.

    Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.

    Limit result set to specific ids.

    Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

    Order sort attribute ascending or descending.

    Sort collection by resource attribute.

    Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products.

    Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

    Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.

    Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

    Limit response to specific fields. Defaults to all fields.

    Get the value of an individual field.

    Render response in a particular format.
    default: table
      - table
      - json
      - csv
      - ids
      - yaml
      - count
      - headers
      - body
      - envelope



wp wc product_attribute_term list

does nothing: A product attribute taxonomy ID is compulsory. Retrieve those with

Voorbeeld (taxonomy 29):

wp wc product_attribute_term list 29 --user=4

| id    | name             | slug             | description                     | menu_order | count |
| 45244 | Alternator       | alternator       | Alle widgets voor alternators   | 0          | 12    |
| 34601 | Blazer           | blazer           | Alle widgers voor Blazer        | 0          | 26    |
| 45246 | Boorhamer        | boorhamer        | Alle widgets voor boorhamers    | 0          | 0     |
| 34582 | Boormachine      | boormachine      | Alle widgets - Boormachine      | 0          | 2929  |

See also