Wp post update (WP-CLI)

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wp post update

$ wp help wp post update


  wp post update


  Updates one or more existing posts.


  wp post update <id>... [--post_author=<post_author>] [--post_date=<post_date>] [--post_date_gmt=<post_date_gmt>] [--post_content=<post_content>] [--post_content_filtered=<post_content_filtered>] [--post_title=<post_title>]
  [--post_excerpt=<post_excerpt>] [--post_status=<post_status>] [--post_type=<post_type>] [--comment_status=<comment_status>] [--ping_status=<ping_status>] [--post_password=<post_password>] [--post_name=<post_name>] [--to_ping=<to_ping>]
  [--pinged=<pinged>] [--post_modified=<post_modified>] [--post_modified_gmt=<post_modified_gmt>] [--post_parent=<post_parent>] [--menu_order=<menu_order>] [--post_mime_type=<post_mime_type>] [--guid=<guid>]
  [--post_category=<post_category>] [--tags_input=<tags_input>] [--tax_input=<tax_input>] [--meta_input=<meta_input>] [<file>] --<field>=<value> [--defer-term-counting]


    One or more IDs of posts to update.

    The ID of the user who added the post. Default is the current user ID.

    The date of the post. Default is the current time.

    The date of the post in the GMT timezone. Default is the value of $post_date.

    The post content. Default empty.

    The filtered post content. Default empty.

    The post title. Default empty.

    The post excerpt. Default empty.

    The post status. Default 'draft'.

    The post type. Default 'post'.

    Whether the post can accept comments. Accepts 'open' or 'closed'. Default is the value of 'default_comment_status' option.

    Whether the post can accept pings. Accepts 'open' or 'closed'. Default is the value of 'default_ping_status' option.

    The password to access the post. Default empty.

    The post name. Default is the sanitized post title when creating a new post.

    Space or carriage return-separated list of URLs to ping. Default empty.

    Space or carriage return-separated list of URLs that have been pinged. Default empty.

    The date when the post was last modified. Default is the current time.

    The date when the post was last modified in the GMT timezone. Default is the current time.

    Set this for the post it belongs to, if any. Default 0.

    The order the post should be displayed in. Default 0.

    The mime type of the post. Default empty.

    Global Unique ID for referencing the post. Default empty.

    Array of category names, slugs, or IDs. Defaults to value of the 'default_category' option.

    Array of tag names, slugs, or IDs. Default empty.

    Array of taxonomy terms keyed by their taxonomy name. Default empty.

    Array in JSON format of post meta values keyed by their post meta key. Default empty.

    Read post content from <file>. If this value is present, the
        `--post_content` argument will be ignored.

  Passing `-` as the filename will cause post content to
  be read from STDIN.

    One or more fields to update. See wp_insert_post().

    Recalculate term count in batch, for a performance boost.


    $ wp post update 123 --post_name=something --post_status=draft
    Success: Updated post 123.

    # Update a post with multiple meta values.
    $ wp post update 123 --meta_input='{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}'
    Success: Updated post 123.



# post_name = slug <> post_title
wp post update 123 --post_name=something --post_status=draft
Success: Updated post 123.

# Update a post with multiple meta values.
wp post update 123 --meta_input='{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}'
Success: Updated post 123.

Eigen voorbeeld:

# Titel & name bijwerken:
wp post update 7 --post_name="webshop-widgets"
wp post update 7 --post_title="Webshop for Widgets"

Example: Get, translate & update

# selection_tool_translate_page_content
	# Initialisation
	echo ""; echo ""; echo "### selection_tool_translate_page_content()..."; echo ""
	if [ -z "$path" ]; then echo "	Variable 'path' not provided. Exiting"; exit; fi
	if [ ! -f "$path/wp-config.php" ]; then echo "	File ${path}/wp-config.php not found. Exiting"; exit; fi
	if [ -z "$selection_tool_page_content_source" ]; then echo "	Variable 'selection_tool_page_content_source' not provided. Exiting"; exit; fi
	if [ -z "$selection_tool_page_content_translation" ]; then echo "	Variable 'selection_tool_page_content_translation' not provided. Exiting"; exit; fi
	if [ -z "$selection_tool_page_id" ]; then echo "	Variable 'selection_tool_page_id' not provided. Exiting"; exit; fi		
	cd $path

	# Check & translate
	i=$(wp post get $selection_tool_page_id --field=content)
	echo "Content: $i"

	echo "Content - translated: $i"

	# Post translation
	wp post update $selection_tool_page_id --post_content="$i"

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