Wp post-type (WP-CLI)

Uit De Vliegende Brigade
Versie door Jeroen Strompf (overleg | bijdragen) op 11 okt 2023 om 20:12
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$ wp help post-type


  wp post-type


  Retrieves details on the site's registered post types.


  wp post-type <command>


  get       Gets details about a registered post type.
  list      Lists registered post types.

  Get information on WordPress' built-in and the site's [custom post types][1].

  [1] https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/post-types/


    # Get details about a post type
    $ wp post-type get page --fields=name,label,hierarchical --format=json

    # List post types with 'post' capability type
    $ wp post-type list --capability_type=post --fields=name,public
    | name          | public |
    | post          | 1      |
    | attachment    | 1      |
    | revision      |        |
    | nav_menu_item |        |