Wp menu (WP-CLI)

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Versie door Jeroen Strompf (overleg | bijdragen) op 16 jun 2022 om 19:35 (Nieuwe pagina aangemaakt met '''wp menu''" Werk met menu's en menu-items. Deze laatste gaan via het subcommando <code>wp menu item</code> <pre> $ wp help menu NAME wp menu DESCRIPTION L...')
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wp menu" Werk met menu's en menu-items. Deze laatste gaan via het subcommando wp menu item

$ wp help menu


  wp menu


  Lists, creates, assigns, and deletes the active theme's navigation menus.


  wp menu <command>


  create        Creates a new menu.
  delete        Deletes one or more menus.
  item          List, add, and delete items associated with a menu.
  list          Gets a list of menus.
  location      Assigns, removes, and lists a menu's locations.

  See the [Navigation Menus][1] reference in the Theme Handbook.

  [1] https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/functionality/navigation-menus/


    # Create a new menu
    $ wp menu create "My Menu"
    Success: Created menu 200.

    # List existing menus
    $ wp menu list
    | term_id | name     | slug     | locations | count |
    | 200     | My Menu  | my-menu  |           | 0     |
    | 177     | Top Menu | top-menu | primary   | 7     |

    # Create a new menu link item
    $ wp menu item add-custom my-menu Apple http://apple.com --porcelain

    # Assign the 'my-menu' menu to the 'primary' location
    $ wp menu location assign my-menu primary
    Success: Assigned location to menu.

wp menu create

wp menu delete

wp menu item

$ wp help menu item


  wp menu item


  List, add, and delete items associated with a menu.


  wp menu item <command>


  add-custom      Adds a custom menu item.
  add-post        Adds a post as a menu item.
  add-term        Adds a taxonomy term as a menu item.
  delete          Deletes one or more items from a menu.
  list            Gets a list of items associated with a menu.
  update          Updates a menu item.


    # Add an existing post to an existing menu
    $ wp menu item add-post sidebar-menu 33 --title="Custom Test Post"
    Success: Menu item added.

    # Create a new menu link item
    $ wp menu item add-custom sidebar-menu Apple http://apple.com
    Success: Menu item added.

    # Delete menu item
    $ wp menu item delete 45
    Success: 1 menu item deleted.

wp menu item list

$ wp help menu item list


  wp menu item list


  Gets a list of items associated with a menu.


  wp menu item list <menu> [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]


    The name, slug, or term ID for the menu.

    Limit the output to specific object fields.

    Render output in a particular format.
    default: table
      - table
      - csv
      - json
      - count
      - ids
      - yaml


  These fields will be displayed by default for each menu item:

  * db_id
  * type
  * title
  * link
  * position

  These fields are optionally available:

  * menu_item_parent
  * object_id
  * object
  * type
  * type_label
  * target
  * attr_title
  * description
  * classes
  * xfn


    $ wp menu item list main-menu
    | db_id | type      | title       | link                            | position |
    | 5     | custom    | Home        | http://example.com              | 1        |
    | 6     | post_type | Sample Page | http://example.com/sample-page/ | 2        |


$ wp menu item list main-menu

| db_id | type      | title                                   | link                                      | position |
| 60057 | post_type | Widgets op Merk                         | http://en.s1/alle-merken/                 | 1        |
| 52263 | post_type | ABL                                     | http://en.s1/widgets12345-voor-aeg-kies-j | 2        |
|       |           |                                         | e-apparaat/                               |          |
| 52264 | post_type | Black & Blacker                         | http://en.s1/widgets12345-voor-black-deck | 3        |
|       |           |                                         | er-kies-je-apparaat/                      |          |
| 61499 | custom    | Bros                                    | http://en.s1/widgets12345-voor-bosch-kies | 4        |
|       |           |                                         | -je-apparaat/                             |          |
| 52266 | post_type | DeWil                                   | http://en.s1/widgets12345-voor-de-walt-ki | 5        |
|       |           |                                         | es-je-apparaat/                           |          |
| 52267 | post_type | Fenn                                    | http://en.s1/widgets12345-voor-fein-kies- | 6        |

wp menu item update

$ wp help menu item update


  wp menu item update


  Updates a menu item.


  wp menu item update <db-id> [--title=<title>] [--link=<link>] [--description=<description>]
  [--attr-title=<attr-title>] [--target=<target>] [--classes=<classes>] [--position=<position>]


    Database ID for the menu item.

    Set a custom title for the menu item.

    Set a custom url for the menu item.

    Set a custom description for the menu item.

    Set a custom title attribute for the menu item.

    Set a custom link target for the menu item.

    Set a custom link classes for the menu item.

    Specify the position of this menu item.

    Make this menu item a child of another menu item.


    $ wp menu item update 45 --title=WordPress --link='http://wordpress.org' --target=_blank --position=2
    Success: Menu item updated.

wp menu list

Verkrijg een lijst van menu's in het actieve thema. Die lijst heb je nodig als je menu-items wilt bewerken, omdat je dan de slug, naam of ID van het bijbehorende menu moet geven. De lijst van menu's is doorgaans nogal statisch en voorspelbaar - Zie het voorbeeld onderaan dit hoofdstuk:

$ wp help menu list


  wp menu list


  Gets a list of menus.


  wp menu list [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]


    Limit the output to specific object fields.

    Render output in a particular format.
    default: table
      - table
      - csv
      - json
      - count
      - ids
      - yaml


  These fields will be displayed by default for each menu:

  * term_id
  * name
  * slug
  * count

  These fields are optionally available:

  * term_group
  * term_taxonomy_id
  * taxonomy
  * description
  * parent
  * locations


    $ wp menu list
    | term_id | name     | slug     | locations | count |
    | 200     | My Menu  | my-menu  |           | 0     |
    | 177     | Top Menu | top-menu | primary   | 7     |


$ wp menu list

| term_id | name                    | slug                    | locations            | count |
| 17      | Main menu               | main-menu               | primary              | 38    |
| 1646    | Mobile Bottom Menu      | mobile-bottom-menu      | mobile-bottom,footer | 5     |
| 1645    | Mobile Top Menu         | mobile-top-menu         | mobile-top           | 12    |
| 22      | Product categories menu | product-categories-menu | product_categories   | 1     |
| 44753   | Utility menu            | utility-menu            | utility              | 1     |

wp menu location