
Uit De Vliegende Brigade
Naar navigatie springen Naar zoeken springen

Hoera! Webscraping! Dit is echt heel leuk!


Wat ik gebruik:

  • Webclient: requests
  • HTML-parser: lxml [1]
  • Bewerken van de parse-tree: Beautiful Soup


  • WooCrack Kopiëeren: Hoe kun je WooCrack kopiëren, inclusief de downloads? Dit geldt voor de situatie dat je over inlogcodes beschikt
  • Price bot: Hoe kan ik met een script voor bepaalde producten, de prijzen van de concurrent zien? In dit geval zou ik vantevoren de URL's van de websites van concurrenten verzamelen
  • Alle koolborstel-info: Kan ik voor een klant die in koolborstels handelt, alle koolborstels te wereld downloaden, inclusief alle gerelateerde data?


  • Hoe kun je sites scrapen waar je eerst moet inloggen? Paar extra stappen die je met de webclient doorloopt? → Zie voorbeeld requests.
  • Hoe download je bestanden, zoals van WooCrack?


Om te interacteren met een webserver, heb je een webclient nodig. De gebruikelijke pakketten in Python hiervoor:

  • urllib
  • urllib2
  • urllib3
  • requests - Op zichzelfstaand pakket. Niet onderdeel van een van de andere pakketten! - Vermoedelijk het beste pakket [2]. Zie Requests (Python).

Voorbeeld NewEgg

Dit uitgewerkte voorbeeld is gebaseerd op deze tutorial.


Lijst met

  • Productitels
  • SKU's (indien beschikbaar)
  • EAN-codes (indien beschikbaar)
  • Prijzen.


Deze code sluit het meest aan op de YouTube-video, inclusief gebruik van urllib en aliassen.

#! /usr/bin/python3
# Newegg webcrawling-example - Data Science Dojo
# Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQgXKtPSzUI
# Goals
# Create a list with the following info per product:
# * Brand
# * Title
# * Price
# * SKU (if available)
# * EAN-code (if available)
print ("\n\n\n")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print (">>> 100-Newegg.py")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print ("\n\n")

# Load libraries
# Beautiful Soup
# * For processing websites; the actual crawling
# * Only "BeatitfulSoup" is imported from bs4
# * "Soup" functions like an alias
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup

# Webclient
# * From urllib, only urlopen from request is needed
# * "uReq" works like an alias
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq

# Fetch a webpage
# The page we want to scrape
my_url = 'https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/p/pl?d=graphics+card'

# Download the page to object p
p = uReq(my_url)

# What kind of object is this?
# print(type(p))
# Reply:
# <class 'http.client.HTTPResponse'>

# Welke methodes heeft dit object?
# Reply:
# ['__abstractmethods__', '__class__', '__del__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', 
# '__dir__', '__doc__', '__enter__', '__eq__', '__exit__', '__format__', '__ge__', 
# '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', 
# '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__next__', '__reduce__', 
# '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', 
# '__subclasshook__', '_abc_cache', '_abc_negative_cache', 
# '_abc_negative_cache_version', '_abc_registry', '_checkClosed', 
# '_checkReadable', '_checkSeekable', '_checkWritable', '_check_close', 
# '_close_conn', '_get_chunk_left', '_method', '_peek_chunked', 
# '_read1_chunked', '_read_and_discard_trailer', '_read_next_chunk_size', 
# '_read_status', '_readall_chunked', '_readinto_chunked', '_safe_read', 
# '_safe_readinto', 'begin', 'chunk_left', 'chunked', 'close', 'closed', 
# 'code', 'debuglevel', 'detach', 'fileno', 'flush', 'fp', 'getcode', 
# 'getheader', 'getheaders', 'geturl', 'headers', 'info', 'isatty', 
# 'isclosed', 'length', 'msg', 'peek', 'read', 'read1', 'readable', 'readinto', 
# 'readinto1', 'readline', 'readlines', 'reason', 'seek', 'seekable', 'status', 
# 'tell', 'truncate', 'url', 'version', 'will_close', 'writable', 'write', 
# 'writelines']

# Stop de eigenlijke content in een variable
p_html = p.read()

# Wat type variable is dit geworden? → byte
# Reply: 
# <class 'bytes'>
# Reason that this is 'bytes' and not e.g., 'text': A page can contain mixes
# text/binary content 

# Sluit de connectie
# Why HTML is a stateless protocol, isn't it? Whatever

# Process the webpage
# Parse this object as an html-object (and not like e.g., an XML-
# or FTP-object)
p_soup = soup(p_html, "html.parser")

# Wat voor klasse is p_soup?
# → <class 'bs4.BeautifulSoup'>

# Wat voor methodes heeft p_soup?
# Reply:
# 'ROOT_TAG_NAME', '__bool__', '__call__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__copy__', 
# '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', 
# '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', 
# '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', 
# '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
# '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', 
# '__subclasshook__', '__unicode__', '__weakref__', '_all_strings', 
# '_check_markup_is_url', '_feed', '_find_all', '_find_one', '_is_xml', 
# '_lastRecursiveChild', '_last_descendant', '_linkage_fixer', 
# '_most_recent_element', '_namespaces', '_popToTag', '_should_pretty_print', 
# 'append', 'attrs', 'builder', 'can_be_empty_element', 'cdata_list_attributes', 
# 'childGenerator', 'children', 'clear', 'contains_replacement_characters', 
# 'contents', 'currentTag', 'current_data', 'declared_html_encoding', 'decode', 
# 'decode_contents', 'decompose', 'descendants', 'encode', 'encode_contents', 
# 'endData', 'extend', 'extract', 'fetchNextSiblings', 'fetchParents', 
# 'fetchPrevious', 'fetchPreviousSiblings', 'find', 'findAll', 'findAllNext', 
# 'findAllPrevious', 'findChild', 'findChildren', 'findNext', 'findNextSibling', 
# 'findNextSiblings', 'findParent', 'findParents', 'findPrevious', 
# 'findPreviousSibling', 'findPreviousSiblings', 'find_all', 'find_all_next', 
# 'find_all_previous', 'find_next', 'find_next_sibling', 'find_next_siblings', 
# 'find_parent', 'find_parents', 'find_previous', 'find_previous_sibling', 
# 'find_previous_siblings', 'format_string', 'formatter_for_name', 'get', 'getText', 
# 'get_attribute_list', 'get_text', 'handle_data', 'handle_endtag', 'handle_starttag', 
# 'has_attr', 'has_key', 'hidden', 'index', 'insert', 'insert_after', 'insert_before', 
# 'isSelfClosing', 'is_empty_element', 'is_xml', 'known_xml', 'markup', 'name', 
# 'namespace', 'new_string', 'new_tag', 'next', 'nextGenerator', 'nextSibling', 
# 'nextSiblingGenerator', 'next_element', 'next_elements', 'next_sibling', 
# 'next_siblings', 'object_was_parsed', 'original_encoding', 'parent', 
# 'parentGenerator', 'parents', 'parse_only', 'parserClass', 'parser_class', 
# 'popTag', 'prefix', 'preserve_whitespace_tag_stack', 'preserve_whitespace_tags', 
# 'prettify', 'previous', 'previousGenerator', 'previousSibling', 
# 'previousSiblingGenerator', 'previous_element', 'previous_elements', 
# 'previous_sibling', 'previous_siblings', 'pushTag', 'recursiveChildGenerator', 
# 'renderContents', 'replaceWith', 'replaceWithChildren', 'replace_with', 
# 'replace_with_children', 'reset', 'select', 'select_one', 'setup', 'smooth', 
#'string', 'strings', 'stripped_strings', 'tagStack', 'text', 'unwrap', 'wrap']

# Try out some stuff...
p_soup.h1			# → <h1 class="page-title-text">"graphics card"</h1>
p_soup.p   			# First p-tag
p_soup.meta 		# First meta tag
p_soup.body			# Gewoon, de body van de pagina :)
p_soup.body.span	# First span-tag

# OK - Have a closer look at cs[10]
# cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

# type(cs)	# <class 'bs4.element.ResultSet'>
# len(cs)		# Aantal elementen = 40

# * This 10th item is a good example, as it has a price (not all items have prices)
# c=cs[10]
# type(c)   # bs4.element.tag

# Fetch brand
# Like this:
# <div class="item-info"> » 
# <a 
#    class="item-brand" 
#    href="https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/GIGABYTE/BrandStore/ID-1314">
#    <img 
#       alt="GIGABYTE" 
#       src="//c1.neweggimages.com/Brandimage_70x28//Brand1314.gif" 
#       title="GIGABYTE"/>
# </a>
# c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
# print ("c10 - Brand: "+c_brand)

# # Product name
# ############################################
# #
# c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
# print("c10 - Name: "+c_name)

# # Fetch price
# ############################################
# #
# c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
# print ("c10 - Price: "+c_price)

# Iterate over items in cs
# Create a resultset with all "item-container" div classes
# * This is actually plain HTML code
# * "div" has one argument-value-pair (or whatever its called). 
#   That's included here as a dictionary: {"argument":"value"}
print (">>> Create resultset cs...")

cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

type(cs)	# <class 'bs4.element.ResultSet'>
len(cs)		# Aantal elementen = 40

for c in cs:
	print("\n\n>>>>>>>>> Volgende element")

	if (c.find(class_="item-brand") is not None):
		c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
		print ("Brand: "+c_brand)

	if (c.find(class_="item-title") is not None):
		c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
		print("Name: "+c_name)

	if (c.find(class_="price-current") is not None):
		c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
		print ("Price: "+c_price)


  • Met requests ipv. urllib
  • Zonder aliassen
  • Beetje korter.
#! /usr/bin/python3
# Newegg webcrawling-example - Refactored
print ("\n\n\n")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print (">>> 105-Newegg-refactored.py")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print ("\n\n")

# Load libraries
# Beautiful Soup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Webclient
import requests

# Fetch a webpage
# The page we want to scrape
url = 'https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/p/pl?d=graphics+card'

# Download the page to text object p
# * type(requests.get(url): <class 'requests.models.Response'>
# * Attribute "text" converts this directly to a string
p = requests.get(url).text

# Process the webpage
# Parse this object as an html-object (and not like e.g., an XML-
# or FTP-object)
p_soup = BeautifulSoup(p, "html.parser")

# Wat voor klasse is p_soup?
# → <class 'bs4.BeautifulSoup'>

# Wat voor methodes heeft p_soup?
# Reply:
# 'ROOT_TAG_NAME', '__bool__', '__call__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__copy__', 
# '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', 
# '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', 
# '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', 
# '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
# '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', 
# '__subclasshook__', '__unicode__', '__weakref__', '_all_strings', 
# '_check_markup_is_url', '_feed', '_find_all', '_find_one', '_is_xml', 
# '_lastRecursiveChild', '_last_descendant', '_linkage_fixer', 
# '_most_recent_element', '_namespaces', '_popToTag', '_should_pretty_print', 
# 'append', 'attrs', 'builder', 'can_be_empty_element', 'cdata_list_attributes', 
# 'childGenerator', 'children', 'clear', 'contains_replacement_characters', 
# 'contents', 'currentTag', 'current_data', 'declared_html_encoding', 'decode', 
# 'decode_contents', 'decompose', 'descendants', 'encode', 'encode_contents', 
# 'endData', 'extend', 'extract', 'fetchNextSiblings', 'fetchParents', 
# 'fetchPrevious', 'fetchPreviousSiblings', 'find', 'findAll', 'findAllNext', 
# 'findAllPrevious', 'findChild', 'findChildren', 'findNext', 'findNextSibling', 
# 'findNextSiblings', 'findParent', 'findParents', 'findPrevious', 
# 'findPreviousSibling', 'findPreviousSiblings', 'find_all', 'find_all_next', 
# 'find_all_previous', 'find_next', 'find_next_sibling', 'find_next_siblings', 
# 'find_parent', 'find_parents', 'find_previous', 'find_previous_sibling', 
# 'find_previous_siblings', 'format_string', 'formatter_for_name', 'get', 'getText', 
# 'get_attribute_list', 'get_text', 'handle_data', 'handle_endtag', 'handle_starttag', 
# 'has_attr', 'has_key', 'hidden', 'index', 'insert', 'insert_after', 'insert_before', 
# 'isSelfClosing', 'is_empty_element', 'is_xml', 'known_xml', 'markup', 'name', 
# 'namespace', 'new_string', 'new_tag', 'next', 'nextGenerator', 'nextSibling', 
# 'nextSiblingGenerator', 'next_element', 'next_elements', 'next_sibling', 
# 'next_siblings', 'object_was_parsed', 'original_encoding', 'parent', 
# 'parentGenerator', 'parents', 'parse_only', 'parserClass', 'parser_class', 
# 'popTag', 'prefix', 'preserve_whitespace_tag_stack', 'preserve_whitespace_tags', 
# 'prettify', 'previous', 'previousGenerator', 'previousSibling', 
# 'previousSiblingGenerator', 'previous_element', 'previous_elements', 
# 'previous_sibling', 'previous_siblings', 'pushTag', 'recursiveChildGenerator', 
# 'renderContents', 'replaceWith', 'replaceWithChildren', 'replace_with', 
# 'replace_with_children', 'reset', 'select', 'select_one', 'setup', 'smooth', 
#'string', 'strings', 'stripped_strings', 'tagStack', 'text', 'unwrap', 'wrap']

# Try out some stuff...
p_soup.h1			# → <h1 class="page-title-text">"graphics card"</h1>
p_soup.p   			# First p-tag
p_soup.meta 		# First meta tag
p_soup.body			# Gewoon, de body van de pagina :)
p_soup.body.span	# First span-tag

# OK - Have a closer look at cs[10]
# cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

# type(cs)	# <class 'bs4.element.ResultSet'>
# len(cs)		# Aantal elementen = 40

# * This 10th item is a good example, as it has a price (not all items have prices)
# c=cs[10]
# type(c)   # bs4.element.tag

# Fetch brand
# Like this:
# <div class="item-info"> » 
# <a 
#    class="item-brand" 
#    href="https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/GIGABYTE/BrandStore/ID-1314">
#    <img 
#       alt="GIGABYTE" 
#       src="//c1.neweggimages.com/Brandimage_70x28//Brand1314.gif" 
#       title="GIGABYTE"/>
# </a>
# c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
# print ("c10 - Brand: "+c_brand)

# # Product name
# ############################################
# #
# c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
# print("c10 - Name: "+c_name)

# # Fetch price
# ############################################
# #
# c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
# print ("c10 - Price: "+c_price)

# Iterate over items in cs
# Create a resultset with all "item-container" div classes
# * This is actually plain HTML code
# * "div" has one argument-value-pair (or whatever its called). 
#   That's included here as a dictionary: {"argument":"value"}
print (">>> Create resultset cs...")

cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

type(cs)	# <class 'bs4.element.ResultSet'>
len(cs)		# Aantal elementen = 40

for c in cs:
	print("\n\n>>>>>>>>> Volgende element")

	if (c.find(class_="item-brand") is not None):
		c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
		print ("Brand: "+c_brand)

	if (c.find(class_="item-title") is not None):
		c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
		print("Name: "+c_name)

	if (c.find(class_="price-current") is not None):
		c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
		print ("Price: "+c_price)


#! /usr/bin/python3
# Newegg webcrawling-example - Compact
print ("\n\n\n")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print (">>> 107-Newegg-compact.py")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print ("\n\n")

# Load libraries
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

# Fetch webpage
url = 'https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/p/pl?d=graphics+card'
p_html = requests.get(url).text
p_soup = BeautifulSoup(p_html, "html.parser")

# Process webpage
cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

for c in cs:

	if (c.find(class_="item-brand") is not None):
		c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
		print ("Brand: "+c_brand)

	if (c.find(class_="item-title") is not None):
		c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
		print("Name: "+c_name)

	if (c.find(class_="price-current") is not None):
		c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
		print ("Price: "+c_price)

Complete website verwerken? - wget

Het voorbeeld hierboven, betreft één pagina. Maar hoe zit het als je bv. een hele webwinkel wilt verwerken? Dan moet je dus meerdere pagina's downloaden en verwerken.

Dit kan ongetwijfeld mbv. wget. Bv.:

wget -r -l25 https://koolborstels-online.nl

Ook een standaard .htaccess-login-procedure is geen probleem:

wget --user 'xxx' --password 'yyy' http://example.strompf.com


Wget lijkt in staat te zijn om ook andersoortige objecten te downloaden. Zag er niet direct indrukwekkend uit, maar dat gaat wel lukken (in dit geval vermoedelijk zip-bestanden)


Maar nu een website waar authenticatie niet plaatsvindt via .htaccess, maar via de gebruikelijk WordPress-login-procedure. Dan moet je iets doen met een cookie die toegang verschaft.

Geen probleem:

# Setup - This is verified


# Authenticate
wget \
    --user-agent="$agent" \
    --save-cookies $cookies \
    --keep-session-cookies \
    --delete-after \
    --post-data="log=$log&pwd=$pwd&testcookie=1" \

# Download!
# OK - 140 - Single page "aaa"
# wget \
#     --user-agent="$agent" \
#     --load-cookies $cookies \
#     "https://example.com/download/aaa/"

# 170-Complete site download
# * A a basis for further efforts
wget \
    -r -l10 \
    --user-agent="$agent" \
    --load-cookies $cookies \

Zip-bestanden downloaden?

Da's een koud kunstje: Als ik de betreffende links heb gefiltered (bv. met BeautifulSoup), dan kan ik die gebruiken als argument voor wget - Da's vermoedelijk waar wget oorspronkelijk voor is bedoeld: Downloaden van bestanden vanaf de command line.

JavaScrip & cloacking

Ik heb de indruk dat ik met cloaking te maken heb op deze pagina, ihb. JavaScript-code die client-sided geëxecuteerd wordt om tot de volledige HTML-pagina te komen.

BS kan geen JavaScript executeren. Daar bestaan aparte oplossingen voor. Ihb. Selenium (Selinium?) - Een user agent die JavaScript kan executeren.

Zie ook


  • Broncode van gerenderde pagina's kopiëren

Zie ook


Hele site downloaden

wget & login