Google Fonts

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Versie door Jeroen Strompf (overleg | bijdragen) op 20 okt 2022 om 15:09 (→‎WordPress)
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Google Fonts is a service from Google that includes some font families and functionalities (including APIs) for using these, like on web pages:

  • Free to use - Including for commercial purposes
  • Pre-hosted - No need to host them yourself
  • Downloadable - For use in print.


To incorporate Google Fonts in a WordPress website, you need to take some action, like incorporating fonts through CSS [1], importing them through CSS/HTML, or through a Google Font-related plugin:

  • Easy Google Fonts [2], [3], [4]
  • Google Fonts Typography - aka. Google Fonts for WordPress [5]
  • OMGF [6]

To get an impression:

$ wp plugin search "google fonts"
Success: Showing 10 of 1010 plugins.
| name                                                                                    | slug                        | rating |
| Disable and Remove Google Fonts                                                         | disable-remove-google-fonts | 96     |
| Fonts Plugin | Google Fonts Typography                                                  | olympus-google-fonts        | 100    |
| Local Google Fonts                                                                      | local-google-fonts          | 100    |
| OMGF | GDPR/DSVGO Compliant, Faster Google Fonts. Easy.                                 | host-webfonts-local         | 94     |
| Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed                    | google-site-kit             | 82     |
| WP Google Fonts                                                                         | wp-google-fonts             | 80     |
| Toolkit for Block Theme (Gutenberg Blocks, Templates, Patterns, Google Fonts) – Twentig | twentig                     | 98     |
| Easy Google Fonts                                                                       | easy-google-fonts           | 92     |
| Swap Google Fonts Display                                                               | swap-google-font-display    | 88     |
| Embed Google Fonts                                                                      | embed-google-fonts          | 100    |

The results are the same when I search at - They clearly use the same database:

Search results on » Plugins » google fonts
