QTranslate-X (WordPress)

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URL Modification Mode

URL Modification Mode betreft de manier waarop de taal is geïncorporeerd in URL's.

wp-admin » Settings » Language Management:

URL Modification Mode 	

* Use Query Mode (?lang=en). Most SEO unfriendly, not recommended.
* Use Pre-Path Mode (Default, puts /en/ in front of URL). SEO friendly.
* Use Pre-Domain Mode (uses http://en.yoursite.com). You will need to configure DNS
  sub-domains on your site.

[x] Hide URL language information for default language.

[x] Use Per-Domain mode: specify separate user-defined domain for each language. 
    This is only applicable to Pre-Path and Pre-Domain mode.

QTranslate-X introtekst:

* Choose one of a few modes to make your URLs look pretty and SEO-friendly, for example, 
  the simple and beautiful /en/foo/, or nice and neat en.yoursite.com, or everywhere 
  compatible ?lang=en
* One language for each URL – Users and SEO will thank you for not mixing multilingual 

Startup Guide:

Next decision to make is to choose “URL Modification Mode”. Most users choose “Pre-Path 
Mode”, for which you have to enable one of the pretty permalinks in WordPress 
configuration page “Settings/Permalinks” (/wp-admin/options-permalink.php). Pretty 
permalinks are also required for other url modification modes, except “Query Mode”. 
The least popular is “Query Mode”, since it is not SEO friendly.

Voor een test-domein dat op m'n laptop draait, heb ik /etc/hosts als volgt aangepast:       en.example.dvb       nl.example.dvb   # Eigenlijk redundant, want dit is het hoofddomein       de.example.dvb
