Project names

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What is a good name for a project? When you think this is a strange question, you might have not done may projects, or you are right.

Counter examples

We humans are much more responsibe to pain than to gain, so let's start with some pain:

kbshop01 ... kbshop08

Around 2018, I was busy building a new version of an existing webshop for a customer. It contained a lot of different things, including things like data cleansing, SKU creation, import automation, theme development, plus some of these things in an iterative way.

It probably started with a name like KbShop. That was fine for a while, until it became too big. I wanted to split it in subprojects, probably iteration-wise. Eventually it became something like KBshop01... KbShop08. Some problems that I had with this:

  • The dream of iterative working is such a sweet, sweet dream, but in reality it rarely works. E.g: KbShop01 might have been a real iteration, but the second iteration was everything from KbShop05 until KbShop08: The just wasn't a real second iteration anymore - I just didn't start afresh anymore after the second iteration
  • Names became useless: E.g., Kbshop06 was something about data analysis. Some years later I was wondering where I did this eye-opening data analysis job years ago. It took a lot of work to find it back, because KbShop06 wasn't a helpful name
  • This was not one project, but a bunch of projects that in certain ways, had little to do with each other. It was like there were three projects in that 2018, e.g.: Build a rocket, Do some brain surgery and KbShop. But only when diving deeper into KbShop, would I realize that it contained 8 major subprojects.


I made this name up (although the beginning, GUP stands for Groeten ui