Cursors (LibreOffice Basic)

Uit De Vliegende Brigade
Versie door Jeroen Strompf (overleg | bijdragen) op 6 nov 2019 om 18:37
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Naar navigatie springen Naar zoeken springen

Cursors hebben betrekking op het navigeren binnen een document, in mijn geval een spreadsheet. Op het moment dat je ergens bent aangeland, en je wilt iets doen met de data waar die cursor naar verwijst, dan lijk je te moeten overstappen op een andere objecttypes, zoals cells en cell ranges

Cursors komen in twee smaken:

  • View cursors hebben betrekking op de manier waarop data wordt weergegeven - Presentatie?
  • Text (non-view)-cursors hebben betrekking op eigenschappen van data, en minder op de manier waarop data wordt weergegeven - Inhoud?

Ik geloof dat je cursors altijd kunt uitbreiden tot meerdere cellen [1].


o_cursor = ThisComponent.Sheets(0).createCursor()
i_rows = o_cursor.getRangeAddress().EndRow+1

msgbox o_cursor.rows.count()   # Antwoord: 1048576



OO_ME, p. 517:

Primary components supported by service:         Methods to control the position of a cell cursor          Methods to access cells or subranges of a cell range   Advanced methods to control the position of the cursor     A rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document; this is an
                                      extension of the CellRange service for use in spreadsheet documents    Methods to find the used area in a sheet.

Methods sheet.SheetCellCursor-service

OO_ME, p. 518 - Waarom staat createCursor hier niet bij?

Interface        Method                       Description
---------------- ------ --------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
XCellCursor      gotoStart()                  Move the cursor to the first filled cell at the beginning 
                                              of a contiguous series of filled cells. This cell may be 
                                              outside the cursor’s range.
XCellCursor      gotoEnd()                    Move the cursor to the last filled cell at the end of 
                                              a contiguous series of filled cells. This cell may be 
                                              outside the cursor’s range.
XCellCursor      gotoNext()                   Move the cursor to the next (right) unprotected cell.
XCellCursor      gotoPrevious()               Move the cursor to the previous (left) unprotected cell.
XCellCursor      gotoOffset(nCol, nRow)       Shift the cursor’s range relative to the current position. 
                                              Negative numbers shift left and up; positive numbers shift 
                                              right and down.
XCellRange       getCellByPosition(left, top) Get a cell within the range.
XCellRange       getCellRangeByPosition       Get a cell range within the range.
                 (left, top, right, bottom)
XCellRange       getCellRangeByName(name)     Get a cell range within the range based on its name. 
                                              The string directly references cells using the standard 
                                              formats — such as “B2:D5” or “$B$2” — or defined cell 
                                              range names.
XSheetCellCursor collapseToCurrentRegion()    Expand the range to contain all contiguous nonempty cells.
XSheetCellCursor collapseToCurrentArray()     Expand the range to contain the current array formula.
XSheetCellCursor collapseToMergedArea()       Expand the range to contain merged cells that intersect the range.
XSheetCellCursor expandToEntireColumns()      Expand the range to contain all columns that intersect the range.
XSheetCellCursor expandToEntireRows()         Expand the range to contain all rows that intersect the range.
XSheetCellCursor collapseToSize(nCols, nRows) Without changing the upper-left corner, set the cursor range size.
XSheetCellRange  getSpreadsheet()             Get the sheet object that contains the cell range.
XUsedAreaCursor  gotoStartOfUsedArea()        Set the cursor to the start of the used area.
XUsedAreaCursor  gotoEndOfUsedArea()          Set the cursor to the end of the used area.
