Workspaces (Trello)

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Workspace 10 - Omzet - XXX - YYY has been shared with this person (my Trello testaccount). As you can see, the titles of boards are shared, as well as the title of the workspace. So, these titles need to make sense to everybody on the team

In the course of 2021, the layout of boards in Trello has changed: Boards now belong to so-called workspaces. A workspace is just a name.

You can have up to 10 boards per workspace. I have a client for whom I have about 12 boards. I have defined two workspaces for this:

  • Sales - (1)
  • Sales - (2).

It seems that you can no longer change the order of boards within the list Starred boards via drag-and-drop - Quite annoying.

Worspace members

Assign members to a workspace at the Trello home page. Not at boards that belong to that workspace.

When done so, members see all