Webscraping: verschil tussen versies

Uit De Vliegende Brigade
Naar navigatie springen Naar zoeken springen
Regel 29: Regel 29:
* requests - Op zichzelfstaand pakket. ''Niet'' onderdeel van een van de andere pakketten! - Vermoedelijk het beste pakket [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2018026/what-are-the-differences-between-the-urllib-urllib2-and-requests-module]. Zie [[Requests (Python)]].
* requests - Op zichzelfstaand pakket. ''Niet'' onderdeel van een van de andere pakketten! - Vermoedelijk het beste pakket [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2018026/what-are-the-differences-between-the-urllib-urllib2-and-requests-module]. Zie [[Requests (Python)]].
== Voorbeeld NewEgg - Oorspronkelijk ==
== Voorbeeld NewEgg ==
Deze code sluit het meest aan op [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQgXKtPSzUI deze tutorial], inclusief gebruik van ''urllib'' en aliassen.
Dit uitgewerkte voorbeeld is gebaseerd op [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQgXKtPSzUI deze tutorial].
=== Doel ===
=== Doel ===
Regel 42: Regel 42:
* Prijzen.
* Prijzen.
=== Script ===
=== Oorspronkelijk ===
Deze code sluit het meest aan op de YouTube-video, inclusief gebruik van ''urllib'' en aliassen.
Regel 319: Regel 321:
== Voorbeeld NewEgg - Aangepast ==
=== Refactored ===
* Met ''requests'' ipv. ''urllib''
* Met ''requests'' ipv. ''urllib''
Regel 525: Regel 527:
== Voorbeeld NewEgg - Compact ==
=== Compact ===

Versie van 5 aug 2019 08:56

Hoera! Webscraping! Dit is echt heel leuk!


Wat ik gebruik:

  • Webclient: requests
  • HTML-parser: lxml [1]
  • Bewerken van de parse-tree: Beautiful Soup


  • WooCrack Kopiëeren: Hoe kun je WooCrack kopiëren, inclusief de downloads? Dit geldt voor de situatie dat je over inlogcodes beschikt
  • Price bot: Hoe kan ik met een script voor bepaalde producten, de prijzen van de concurrent zien? In dit geval zou ik vantevoren de URL's van de websites van concurrenten verzamelen
  • Alle koolborstel-info: Kan ik voor een klant die in koolborstels handelt, alle koolborstels te wereld downloaden, inclusief alle gerelateerde data?


  • Hoe kun je sites scrapen waar je eerst moet inloggen? Paar extra stappen die je met de webclient doorloopt? → Zie voorbeeld requests.
  • Hoe download je bestanden, zoals van WooCrack?


Om te interacteren met een webserver, heb je een webclient nodig. De gebruikelijke pakketten in Python hiervoor:

  • urllib
  • urllib2
  • urllib3
  • requests - Op zichzelfstaand pakket. Niet onderdeel van een van de andere pakketten! - Vermoedelijk het beste pakket [2]. Zie Requests (Python).

Voorbeeld NewEgg

Dit uitgewerkte voorbeeld is gebaseerd op deze tutorial.


Lijst met

  • Productitels
  • SKU's (indien beschikbaar)
  • EAN-codes (indien beschikbaar)
  • Prijzen.


Deze code sluit het meest aan op de YouTube-video, inclusief gebruik van urllib en aliassen.

#! /usr/bin/python3
# Newegg webcrawling-example - Data Science Dojo
# Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQgXKtPSzUI
# Goals
# Create a list with the following info per product:
# * Brand
# * Title
# * Price
# * SKU (if available)
# * EAN-code (if available)
print ("\n\n\n")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print (">>> 100-Newegg.py")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print ("\n\n")

# Load libraries
# Beautiful Soup
# * For processing websites; the actual crawling
# * Only "BeatitfulSoup" is imported from bs4
# * "Soup" functions like an alias
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup

# Webclient
# * From urllib, only urlopen from request is needed
# * "uReq" works like an alias
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq

# Fetch a webpage
# The page we want to scrape
my_url = 'https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/p/pl?d=graphics+card'

# Download the page to object p
p = uReq(my_url)

# What kind of object is this?
# print(type(p))
# Reply:
# <class 'http.client.HTTPResponse'>

# Welke methodes heeft dit object?
# Reply:
# ['__abstractmethods__', '__class__', '__del__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', 
# '__dir__', '__doc__', '__enter__', '__eq__', '__exit__', '__format__', '__ge__', 
# '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', 
# '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__next__', '__reduce__', 
# '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', 
# '__subclasshook__', '_abc_cache', '_abc_negative_cache', 
# '_abc_negative_cache_version', '_abc_registry', '_checkClosed', 
# '_checkReadable', '_checkSeekable', '_checkWritable', '_check_close', 
# '_close_conn', '_get_chunk_left', '_method', '_peek_chunked', 
# '_read1_chunked', '_read_and_discard_trailer', '_read_next_chunk_size', 
# '_read_status', '_readall_chunked', '_readinto_chunked', '_safe_read', 
# '_safe_readinto', 'begin', 'chunk_left', 'chunked', 'close', 'closed', 
# 'code', 'debuglevel', 'detach', 'fileno', 'flush', 'fp', 'getcode', 
# 'getheader', 'getheaders', 'geturl', 'headers', 'info', 'isatty', 
# 'isclosed', 'length', 'msg', 'peek', 'read', 'read1', 'readable', 'readinto', 
# 'readinto1', 'readline', 'readlines', 'reason', 'seek', 'seekable', 'status', 
# 'tell', 'truncate', 'url', 'version', 'will_close', 'writable', 'write', 
# 'writelines']

# Stop de eigenlijke content in een variable
p_html = p.read()

# Wat type variable is dit geworden? → byte
# Reply: 
# <class 'bytes'>
# Reason that this is 'bytes' and not e.g., 'text': A page can contain mixes
# text/binary content 

# Sluit de connectie
# Why HTML is a stateless protocol, isn't it? Whatever

# Process the webpage
# Parse this object as an html-object (and not like e.g., an XML-
# or FTP-object)
p_soup = soup(p_html, "html.parser")

# Wat voor klasse is p_soup?
# → <class 'bs4.BeautifulSoup'>

# Wat voor methodes heeft p_soup?
# Reply:
# 'ROOT_TAG_NAME', '__bool__', '__call__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__copy__', 
# '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', 
# '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', 
# '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', 
# '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
# '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', 
# '__subclasshook__', '__unicode__', '__weakref__', '_all_strings', 
# '_check_markup_is_url', '_feed', '_find_all', '_find_one', '_is_xml', 
# '_lastRecursiveChild', '_last_descendant', '_linkage_fixer', 
# '_most_recent_element', '_namespaces', '_popToTag', '_should_pretty_print', 
# 'append', 'attrs', 'builder', 'can_be_empty_element', 'cdata_list_attributes', 
# 'childGenerator', 'children', 'clear', 'contains_replacement_characters', 
# 'contents', 'currentTag', 'current_data', 'declared_html_encoding', 'decode', 
# 'decode_contents', 'decompose', 'descendants', 'encode', 'encode_contents', 
# 'endData', 'extend', 'extract', 'fetchNextSiblings', 'fetchParents', 
# 'fetchPrevious', 'fetchPreviousSiblings', 'find', 'findAll', 'findAllNext', 
# 'findAllPrevious', 'findChild', 'findChildren', 'findNext', 'findNextSibling', 
# 'findNextSiblings', 'findParent', 'findParents', 'findPrevious', 
# 'findPreviousSibling', 'findPreviousSiblings', 'find_all', 'find_all_next', 
# 'find_all_previous', 'find_next', 'find_next_sibling', 'find_next_siblings', 
# 'find_parent', 'find_parents', 'find_previous', 'find_previous_sibling', 
# 'find_previous_siblings', 'format_string', 'formatter_for_name', 'get', 'getText', 
# 'get_attribute_list', 'get_text', 'handle_data', 'handle_endtag', 'handle_starttag', 
# 'has_attr', 'has_key', 'hidden', 'index', 'insert', 'insert_after', 'insert_before', 
# 'isSelfClosing', 'is_empty_element', 'is_xml', 'known_xml', 'markup', 'name', 
# 'namespace', 'new_string', 'new_tag', 'next', 'nextGenerator', 'nextSibling', 
# 'nextSiblingGenerator', 'next_element', 'next_elements', 'next_sibling', 
# 'next_siblings', 'object_was_parsed', 'original_encoding', 'parent', 
# 'parentGenerator', 'parents', 'parse_only', 'parserClass', 'parser_class', 
# 'popTag', 'prefix', 'preserve_whitespace_tag_stack', 'preserve_whitespace_tags', 
# 'prettify', 'previous', 'previousGenerator', 'previousSibling', 
# 'previousSiblingGenerator', 'previous_element', 'previous_elements', 
# 'previous_sibling', 'previous_siblings', 'pushTag', 'recursiveChildGenerator', 
# 'renderContents', 'replaceWith', 'replaceWithChildren', 'replace_with', 
# 'replace_with_children', 'reset', 'select', 'select_one', 'setup', 'smooth', 
#'string', 'strings', 'stripped_strings', 'tagStack', 'text', 'unwrap', 'wrap']

# Try out some stuff...
p_soup.h1			# → <h1 class="page-title-text">"graphics card"</h1>
p_soup.p   			# First p-tag
p_soup.meta 		# First meta tag
p_soup.body			# Gewoon, de body van de pagina :)
p_soup.body.span	# First span-tag

# OK - Have a closer look at cs[10]
# cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

# type(cs)	# <class 'bs4.element.ResultSet'>
# len(cs)		# Aantal elementen = 40

# * This 10th item is a good example, as it has a price (not all items have prices)
# c=cs[10]
# type(c)   # bs4.element.tag

# Fetch brand
# Like this:
# <div class="item-info"> » 
# <a 
#    class="item-brand" 
#    href="https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/GIGABYTE/BrandStore/ID-1314">
#    <img 
#       alt="GIGABYTE" 
#       src="//c1.neweggimages.com/Brandimage_70x28//Brand1314.gif" 
#       title="GIGABYTE"/>
# </a>
# c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
# print ("c10 - Brand: "+c_brand)

# # Product name
# ############################################
# #
# c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
# print("c10 - Name: "+c_name)

# # Fetch price
# ############################################
# #
# c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
# print ("c10 - Price: "+c_price)

# Iterate over items in cs
# Create a resultset with all "item-container" div classes
# * This is actually plain HTML code
# * "div" has one argument-value-pair (or whatever its called). 
#   That's included here as a dictionary: {"argument":"value"}
print (">>> Create resultset cs...")

cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

type(cs)	# <class 'bs4.element.ResultSet'>
len(cs)		# Aantal elementen = 40

for c in cs:
	print("\n\n>>>>>>>>> Volgende element")

	if (c.find(class_="item-brand") is not None):
		c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
		print ("Brand: "+c_brand)

	if (c.find(class_="item-title") is not None):
		c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
		print("Name: "+c_name)

	if (c.find(class_="price-current") is not None):
		c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
		print ("Price: "+c_price)


  • Met requests ipv. urllib
  • Zonder aliassen
  • Beetje korter.
#! /usr/bin/python3
# Newegg webcrawling-example - Refactored
print ("\n\n\n")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print (">>> 105-Newegg-refactored.py")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print ("\n\n")

# Load libraries
# Beautiful Soup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Webclient
import requests

# Fetch a webpage
# The page we want to scrape
url = 'https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/p/pl?d=graphics+card'

# Download the page to text object p
# * type(requests.get(url): <class 'requests.models.Response'>
# * Attribute "text" converts this directly to a string
p = requests.get(url).text

# Process the webpage
# Parse this object as an html-object (and not like e.g., an XML-
# or FTP-object)
p_soup = BeautifulSoup(p, "html.parser")

# Wat voor klasse is p_soup?
# → <class 'bs4.BeautifulSoup'>

# Wat voor methodes heeft p_soup?
# Reply:
# 'ROOT_TAG_NAME', '__bool__', '__call__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__copy__', 
# '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', 
# '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', 
# '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', 
# '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
# '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', 
# '__subclasshook__', '__unicode__', '__weakref__', '_all_strings', 
# '_check_markup_is_url', '_feed', '_find_all', '_find_one', '_is_xml', 
# '_lastRecursiveChild', '_last_descendant', '_linkage_fixer', 
# '_most_recent_element', '_namespaces', '_popToTag', '_should_pretty_print', 
# 'append', 'attrs', 'builder', 'can_be_empty_element', 'cdata_list_attributes', 
# 'childGenerator', 'children', 'clear', 'contains_replacement_characters', 
# 'contents', 'currentTag', 'current_data', 'declared_html_encoding', 'decode', 
# 'decode_contents', 'decompose', 'descendants', 'encode', 'encode_contents', 
# 'endData', 'extend', 'extract', 'fetchNextSiblings', 'fetchParents', 
# 'fetchPrevious', 'fetchPreviousSiblings', 'find', 'findAll', 'findAllNext', 
# 'findAllPrevious', 'findChild', 'findChildren', 'findNext', 'findNextSibling', 
# 'findNextSiblings', 'findParent', 'findParents', 'findPrevious', 
# 'findPreviousSibling', 'findPreviousSiblings', 'find_all', 'find_all_next', 
# 'find_all_previous', 'find_next', 'find_next_sibling', 'find_next_siblings', 
# 'find_parent', 'find_parents', 'find_previous', 'find_previous_sibling', 
# 'find_previous_siblings', 'format_string', 'formatter_for_name', 'get', 'getText', 
# 'get_attribute_list', 'get_text', 'handle_data', 'handle_endtag', 'handle_starttag', 
# 'has_attr', 'has_key', 'hidden', 'index', 'insert', 'insert_after', 'insert_before', 
# 'isSelfClosing', 'is_empty_element', 'is_xml', 'known_xml', 'markup', 'name', 
# 'namespace', 'new_string', 'new_tag', 'next', 'nextGenerator', 'nextSibling', 
# 'nextSiblingGenerator', 'next_element', 'next_elements', 'next_sibling', 
# 'next_siblings', 'object_was_parsed', 'original_encoding', 'parent', 
# 'parentGenerator', 'parents', 'parse_only', 'parserClass', 'parser_class', 
# 'popTag', 'prefix', 'preserve_whitespace_tag_stack', 'preserve_whitespace_tags', 
# 'prettify', 'previous', 'previousGenerator', 'previousSibling', 
# 'previousSiblingGenerator', 'previous_element', 'previous_elements', 
# 'previous_sibling', 'previous_siblings', 'pushTag', 'recursiveChildGenerator', 
# 'renderContents', 'replaceWith', 'replaceWithChildren', 'replace_with', 
# 'replace_with_children', 'reset', 'select', 'select_one', 'setup', 'smooth', 
#'string', 'strings', 'stripped_strings', 'tagStack', 'text', 'unwrap', 'wrap']

# Try out some stuff...
p_soup.h1			# → <h1 class="page-title-text">"graphics card"</h1>
p_soup.p   			# First p-tag
p_soup.meta 		# First meta tag
p_soup.body			# Gewoon, de body van de pagina :)
p_soup.body.span	# First span-tag

# OK - Have a closer look at cs[10]
# cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

# type(cs)	# <class 'bs4.element.ResultSet'>
# len(cs)		# Aantal elementen = 40

# * This 10th item is a good example, as it has a price (not all items have prices)
# c=cs[10]
# type(c)   # bs4.element.tag

# Fetch brand
# Like this:
# <div class="item-info"> » 
# <a 
#    class="item-brand" 
#    href="https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/GIGABYTE/BrandStore/ID-1314">
#    <img 
#       alt="GIGABYTE" 
#       src="//c1.neweggimages.com/Brandimage_70x28//Brand1314.gif" 
#       title="GIGABYTE"/>
# </a>
# c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
# print ("c10 - Brand: "+c_brand)

# # Product name
# ############################################
# #
# c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
# print("c10 - Name: "+c_name)

# # Fetch price
# ############################################
# #
# c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
# print ("c10 - Price: "+c_price)

# Iterate over items in cs
# Create a resultset with all "item-container" div classes
# * This is actually plain HTML code
# * "div" has one argument-value-pair (or whatever its called). 
#   That's included here as a dictionary: {"argument":"value"}
print (">>> Create resultset cs...")

cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

type(cs)	# <class 'bs4.element.ResultSet'>
len(cs)		# Aantal elementen = 40

for c in cs:
	print("\n\n>>>>>>>>> Volgende element")

	if (c.find(class_="item-brand") is not None):
		c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
		print ("Brand: "+c_brand)

	if (c.find(class_="item-title") is not None):
		c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
		print("Name: "+c_name)

	if (c.find(class_="price-current") is not None):
		c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
		print ("Price: "+c_price)


#! /usr/bin/python3
# Newegg webcrawling-example - Compact
print ("\n\n\n")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print (">>> 107-Newegg-compact.py")
print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print ("\n\n")

# Load libraries
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

# Fetch webpage
url = 'https://www.newegg.com/global/nl-en/p/pl?d=graphics+card'
p_html = requests.get(url).text
p_soup = BeautifulSoup(p_html, "html.parser")

# Process webpage
cs = p_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"item-container"})

for c in cs:
	print("\n\n>>>>>>>>> Volgende element")

	if (c.find(class_="item-brand") is not None):
		c_brand = c.find(class_="item-brand").img['alt']
		print ("Brand: "+c_brand)

	if (c.find(class_="item-title") is not None):
		c_name = c.find(class_="item-title").text
		print("Name: "+c_name)

	if (c.find(class_="price-current") is not None):
		c_price = c.find(class_="price-current").strong.text
		print ("Price: "+c_price)

Zie ook


Post (ipv. get)
