Wp wc product update

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$ wp help wc product update


  wp wc product update


  Update an existing item.


  wp wc product update <id> [--id=<id>] [--name=<name>] [--slug=<slug>] [--type=<type>] [--status=<status>]
  [--featured=<featured>] [--catalog_visibility=<catalog_visibility>] [--description=<description>]
  [--short_description=<short_description>] [--sku=<sku>] [--regular_price=<regular_price>]
  [--sale_price=<sale_price>] [--date_on_sale_from=<date_on_sale_from>]
  [--date_on_sale_from_gmt=<date_on_sale_from_gmt>] [--date_on_sale_to=<date_on_sale_to>]
  [--date_on_sale_to_gmt=<date_on_sale_to_gmt>] [--virtual=<virtual>] [--downloadable=<downloadable>]
  [--downloads=<downloads>] [--download_limit=<download_limit>] [--download_expiry=<download_expiry>]
  [--external_url=<external_url>] [--button_text=<button_text>] [--tax_status=<tax_status>] [--tax_class=<tax_class>]
  [--manage_stock=<manage_stock>] [--stock_quantity=<stock_quantity>] [--in_stock=<in_stock>]
  [--backorders=<backorders>] [--sold_individually=<sold_individually>] [--weight=<weight>]
  [--dimensions=<dimensions>] [--shipping_class=<shipping_class>] [--reviews_allowed=<reviews_allowed>]
  [--upsell_ids=<upsell_ids>] [--cross_sell_ids=<cross_sell_ids>] [--parent_id=<parent_id>]
  [--purchase_note=<purchase_note>] [--categories=<categories>] [--tags=<tags>] [--images=<images>]
  [--attributes=<attributes>] [--default_attributes=<default_attributes>] [--grouped_products=<grouped_products>]
  [--menu_order=<menu_order>] [--meta_data=<meta_data>] [--porcelain]


    The ID for the resource.

    Unique identifier for the resource.

    Product name.

    Product slug.

    Product type.

    Product status (post status).

    Featured product.

    Catalog visibility.

    Product description.

    Product short description.

    Unique identifier.

    Product regular price.

    Product sale price.

    Start date of sale price, in the site's timezone.

    Start date of sale price, as GMT.

    End date of sale price, in the site's timezone.

    End date of sale price, as GMT.

    If the product is downloadable.

    List of downloadable files.

    Number of times downloadable files can be downloaded after purchase.

    Number of days until access to downloadable files expires.

    Product external URL. Only for external products.

    Product external button text. Only for external products.

    Tax status.

    Tax class.

    Stock management at product level.

    Stock quantity.

    Controls whether or not the product is listed as "in stock" or "out of stock" on the frontend.

    If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed.

    Allow one item to be bought in a single order.

    Product weight (g).

    Product dimensions.

    Shipping class slug.

    Allow reviews.

    List of up-sell products IDs.

    List of cross-sell products IDs.

    Product parent ID.

    Optional note to send the customer after purchase.

    List of categories.

    List of tags.

    List of images.

    List of attributes.

    Defaults variation attributes.

    List of grouped products ID.

    Menu order, used to custom sort products.

    Meta data.

    Output just the id when the operation is successful.

See also