Wp plugin (WP-CLI)

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wp plugin Manages plugins, including installation, activation, and updating. By itself, wp plugin doesn't do much: The magic is in the subcommands.

$ wp help plugin


  wp plugin


  Manages plugins, including installs, activations, and updates.


  wp plugin <command>


  activate              Activates one or more plugins.
  deactivate            Deactivates one or more plugins.
  delete                Deletes plugin files without deactivating or uninstalling.
  get                   Gets details about an installed plugin.
  install               Installs one or more plugins.
  is-active             Checks if a given plugin is active.
  is-installed          Checks if a given plugin is installed.
  list                  Gets a list of plugins.
  path                  Gets the path to a plugin or to the plugin directory.
  search                Searches the WordPress.org plugin directory.
  status                Reveals the status of one or all plugins.
  toggle                Toggles a plugin's activation state.
  uninstall             Uninstalls one or more plugins.
  update                Updates one or more plugins.
  verify-checksums      Verifies plugin files against WordPress.org's checksums.

  See the WordPress [Plugin Handbook][1] developer resource for more information on plugins.

  [1] https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/


    # Activate plugin
    $ wp plugin activate hello
    Plugin 'hello' activated.
    Success: Activated 1 of 1 plugins.

    # Deactivate plugin
    $ wp plugin deactivate hello
    Plugin 'hello' deactivated.
    Success: Deactivated 1 of 1 plugins.

    # Delete plugin
    $ wp plugin delete hello
    Deleted 'hello' plugin.
    Success: Deleted 1 of 1 plugins.

    # Install the latest version from wordpress.org and activate
    $ wp plugin install bbpress --activate
    Installing bbPress (2.5.9)
    Downloading install package from https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/bbpress.2.5.9.zip...
    Using cached file '/home/vagrant/.wp-cli/cache/plugin/bbpress-2.5.9.zip'...
    Unpacking the package...
    Installing the plugin...
    Plugin installed successfully.
    Activating 'bbpress'...
    Plugin 'bbpress' activated.
    Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.

See also