Trim (MySQL)

Uit De Vliegende Brigade
Naar navigatie springen Naar zoeken springen

Dit dus:

select trim(" blub ");                        # Leading & trailing spaties verwijderd
select trim(leading  "--" from "--blub--");   # Gegeven string wordt aan het begin verwijderd
select trim(trailing "--" from "--blub--");   # Gegeven string wordt aan het eind verwijderd
select trim(         "--" from "--blub--");   # Gegeven string wordt aan begin & eind verwijderd
select trim(both     "--" from "--blub--");   # Gegeven string wordt aan begin & eind verwijderd - 'both' is overbodig

Het keyword from kun je niet weglaten.

Alle velden van een tabel trimmen


CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `trim_table`(
	in table_name_in tinytext
# Trip all columns of the given table
# Create table "fields_tmp" with all field names from the given table
drop table if exists fields_tmp;

create temporary table fields_tmp
select column_name 
from information_schema.columns

# Turn column names into trim statements
update fields_tmp
   column_name = concat
      column_name,"=trim(' ' from ",column_name,")"

# Turn these trim statements into 1 ddl-string
set @ddl_01=
   select concat
      "update tmp set ",
      (select group_concat(column_name) from fields_tmp)
   as ddl

# Create additional ddl-strings
set @ddl_02=replace(@ddl_01, "' '", "','");
set @ddl_03=replace(@ddl_01, "' '", "'.'");
set @ddl_04=replace(@ddl_01, "' '", "'-'");

# Execute
prepare stmt_01 from @ddl_01;
prepare stmt_02 from @ddl_02;
prepare stmt_03 from @ddl_03;
prepare stmt_04 from @ddl_04;

execute stmt_01;
execute stmt_02;
execute stmt_03;
execute stmt_04;

deallocate prepare stmt_01;
deallocate prepare stmt_02;
deallocate prepare stmt_03;
deallocate prepare stmt_04;


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