Solid Security (WordPress plugin)

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In 2023.10, we started migrating from WordFence to iThemes Security, later renamed to Solid Security as our default security plugin. However, while writing this article, I changed my mind.


iThemes Security is a popular security plugin for WordPress that is designed to enhance the security of your WordPress website. It offers a range of features and tools to help protect your site from common security threats. Here are some key points to consider regarding iThemes Security:

  • Features: iThemes Security offers a wide range of security features, including login attempt limitations, two-factor authentication, malware scanning, database backups, file change detection, and more. It can help you address various security concerns on your WordPress site
  • Firewall Protection: The plugin includes a basic firewall that can help block suspicious traffic and known malicious IP addresses. While it's not as comprehensive as a dedicated web application firewall (WAF), it provides an additional layer of protection
  • User-Friendly: iThemes Security is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced WordPress users. It offers a clear dashboard and provides explanations for various security settings
  • Regular Updates: The developers of iThemes Security actively maintain and update the plugin to address emerging security threats and improve its functionality
  • Paid Pro Version: While the basic version of iThemes Security is free and provides many essential security features, there is also a paid Pro version that offers more advanced features, support, and additional tools. The Pro version may be necessary for more complex WordPress websites
  • Compatibility: It's important to ensure that iThemes Security is compatible with your WordPress theme and other plugins. Sometimes, security plugins can conflict with other plugins, so it's essential to thoroughly test the compatibility
  • Backup and Restore: The plugin offers database backup and restore features, which can be handy for quickly recovering your site in case of a security incident or data loss
  • Monitoring and Alerts: iThemes Security can send you alerts and notifications about security events, such as failed login attempts, changes to core files, and more, helping you stay informed about potential security issues.

Comparison between iThemes Security & WordFence

iThemes Security and Wordfence are both popular security plugins for WordPress, and they share some similarities in their functionality and goals. However, there are also differences between the two that may influence your choice. Here's a comparison of iThemes Security and Wordfence:

iThemes Security

  • Ease of Use: iThemes Security is known for its user-friendly interface, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced WordPress users. It offers clear explanations for various security settings
  • Feature Set: iThemes Security provides a comprehensive set of security features, including login attempt limitations, two-factor authentication, file change detection, database backups, and more. While the free version offers essential security features, the Pro version offers more advanced capabilities
  • Firewall: iThemes Security includes a basic firewall to block suspicious traffic and known malicious IP addresses. However, it's not as advanced as dedicated web application firewalls
  • Pro Version: The paid Pro version of iThemes Security offers more advanced features, premium support, and additional tools for enhanced security


  • Robust Firewall: Wordfence is well-known for its robust firewall, which can protect your site from a wide range of threats, including brute force attacks, malware, and DDoS attacks. It offers real-time threat defense and IP blocking
  • Scanning and Monitoring: Wordfence includes powerful scanning and monitoring features, with real-time scanning of core files, themes, and plugins. It can also scan for malware and vulnerabilities
  • Login Security: Wordfence offers login security features, including two-factor authentication and the ability to limit login attempts
  • Free vs. Premium: Wordfence offers a free version with essential security features, but its premium version includes more advanced capabilities, such as real-time updates of the firewall rules, premium support, and additional security options.


  • Firewall: Wordfence's firewall is often considered more robust and feature-rich than the basic firewall in iThemes Security
  • Scanning and Monitoring: Wordfence is known for its powerful scanning and monitoring capabilities, making it a good choice if you're concerned about malware and vulnerabilities
  • User-Friendliness: iThemes Security is generally regarded as more user-friendly and accessible for those who may not have extensive experience with WordPress security
  • Pricing: Both plugins offer free versions with essential features, but the premium versions come with additional tools and support. The choice may come down to which premium features align more closely with your specific security needs and budget.

More comparisons

Installation, etc.

To install:

wp plugin install better-wp-security

To remove this plugin, be aware that it may occur under different names:

wp plugin deactivate "$i"
wp plugin delete "$i"

wp plugin deactivate "$i"
wp plugin delete "$i"

See also
