Gravityformsrecaptcha (WordPress plugin)

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reCAPTCHA is an add-on for Gravity Forms to prevent form-spamming. It incorporates Google's ReCAPTCHA functionality within Gravity Forms.



  • GPLv3+
  • Gratis

Details concerning licensing: First couple of lines from the plugin's/add-on's main file recaptcha.php:

Plugin Name: Gravity Forms reCAPTCHA Add-On
Plugin URI:
Description: Enhance Gravity Forms with support for Google reCAPTCHA.
Version: 1.4.0
Author: Gravity Forms
Author URI:
License: GPL-3.0+
Text Domain: gravityformsrecaptcha
Domain Path: /languages


  • This add-on cannot be installed through wp plugin install: See wp plugin search "gravity forms recaptcha" --per-page=100 | grep gravity, or try it yourself: wp plugin install gravityformsrecaptcha
  • Supposingly, it could be installed through wp gf install gravityformsrecaptcha. I suspect you need to always supply the key for Gravity Forms itself (not for the add-on, if there is such a thing). See Wp gf install (WP-CLI) for details.

After installation, the add-on does appear amongst plugins:

$ wp plugin list | grep gravity

gravityforms	        active	none	2.6.7
gravityformscli	        active	none	1.4
gravityformsrecaptcha	active	none	1.1


wp_admin » Forms » Settings » ReCAPTCHA

See also
