Dropbox CLI

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dropbox autostart

$ dropbox help autostart

dropbox autostart [y/n]

  n  Dropbox will not start automatically at login
  y  Dropbox will start automatically at login (default)

Note: May only work on current Ubuntu distributions.

dropbox exclude

$ dropbox help exclude

dropbox exclude [list]
dropbox exclude add [DIRECTORY] [DIRECTORY] ...
dropbox exclude remove [DIRECTORY] [DIRECTORY] ...

"list" prints a list of directories currently excluded from syncing.
"add" adds one or more directories to the exclusion list, then
resynchronizes Dropbox.
"remove" removes one or more directories from the exclusion list, then
resynchronizes Dropbox.

With no arguments, executes "list".

Any specified path must be within Dropbox.

dropbox filestatus

$ dropbox help filestatus

dropbox filestatus [-l] [-a] [FILE]...

Prints the current status of each FILE.

  -l --list  Prints out information in a format similar to ls. Works best when your console supports color :)
  -a --all   Do not ignore entries starting with "."

dropbox help

$ dropbox help help

dropbox help [COMMAND]

With no arguments, print a list of commands and a short description of
each. With a command, print descriptive help on how to use the

dropbox lansync

$ dropbox help lansync

dropbox lansync [y/n]

  y  Dropbox will use LAN sync (default)
  n  Dropbox will not use LAN sync

Dropbox LAN Sync is a feature designed to speed up file synchronization over a local network. When you enable LAN Sync, Dropbox uses your local network to transfer files between devices that are connected to the same network, rather than uploading files to Dropbox's servers and then downloading them to another device. This can significantly reduce the time it takes to sync large files or a large number of files between devices on the same network:

  • Local Network Transfer: When a file is updated on one device, Dropbox first checks if other devices on the same local network have the same Dropbox account. If they do, Dropbox transfers the file directly between those devices
  • Faster Syncing: Because the transfer happens over the local network, it’s usually faster than syncing via the internet, which can be constrained by upload and download speeds and other factors
  • Resource Efficiency: Using LAN Sync can reduce the load on Dropbox's servers and bandwidth usage, which is beneficial for both users and Dropbox.

To use LAN Sync, you generally need to enable it in the Dropbox settings on your devices. Note that all devices involved need to be on the same local network and have LAN Sync enabled for it to work.

dropbox ls

$ dropbox help ls

dropbox ls [FILE]...

This is an alias for filestatus -l

dropbox proxy

$ dropbox help proxy


Set proxy settings for Dropbox.

MODE - one of "none", "auto", "manual"
TYPE - one of "http", "socks4", "socks5" (only valid with "manual" mode)
HOST - proxy hostname (only valid with "manual" mode)
PORT - proxy port (only valid with "manual" mode)
USERNAME - (optional) proxy username (only valid with "manual" mode)
PASSWORD - (optional) proxy password (only valid with "manual" mode)

dropbox running

$ dropbox help running

dropbox running

Returns 1 if running, and 0 if not running.

dropbox sharelink

$ dropbox help sharelink

dropbox sharelink FILE

Prints out a shared link for FILE.

dropbox start

$ dropbox help start

dropbox start [-i]

Starts the Dropbox daemon, dropboxd. If dropboxd is already running,
this will do nothing.

  -i --install  auto install dropboxd if not available on the system

dropbox status

$ dropbox help status

dropbox status

Prints out the current status of the Dropbox daemon.

dropbox stop

$ dropbox help stop

dropbox stop

Stops the Dropbox daemon.

dropbox throttle

$ dropbox help throttle

dropbox throttle DOWNLOAD UPLOAD

Set bandwidth limits for file sync.

DOWNLOAD - either "unlimited" or a manual limit in KB/s
UPLOAD - one of "unlimited", "auto", or a manual limit in KB/s

dropbox update

$ dropbox help update

dropbox update

Downloads the latest version of Dropbox. This should not be required
normally, as Dropbox automatically updates itself.

Case, 2024.09.05

$ dropbox update

Dropbox is the easiest way to share and store your files online. Want to learn more? Head to https://www.dropbox.com/

In order to use Dropbox, you must download the proprietary daemon.
Note: python3-gpg (python3-gpgme for Ubuntu 16.10 and lower) is not installed, we will not be able to verify binary signatures. [y/n] 

Install python3-gpg

To install python3-pgp and to verify that it is indeed installed:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install python3-gpg
pip3 list | grep gpg

Try again

Let's try dropbox update again. The warning is gone. All output of the command:

$ dropbox update

Dropbox is the easiest way to share and store your files online. Want to learn more? Head to https://www.dropbox.com/

In order to use Dropbox, you must download the proprietary daemon. [y/n] y
Downloading Dropbox... 100%
Unpacking Dropbox... 100%dropbox: load fq extension '/home/jeroen/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-206.4.6506/cryptography.hazmat.bindings._openssl.abi3.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/jeroen/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-206.4.6506/cryptography.hazmat.bindings._padding.abi3.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/jeroen/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-206.4.6506/apex._apex.abi3.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/jeroen/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-206.4.6506/psutil._psutil_linux.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/jeroen/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-206.4.6506/psutil._psutil_posix.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/jeroen/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-206.4.6506/google._upb._message.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/jeroen/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-206.4.6506/tornado.speedups.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/jeroen/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-206.4.6506/wrapt._wrappers.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'

dropbox version

$ dropbox help version

dropbox version

Prints the version information for the Dropbox proprietary daemon, if
it's installed, and the Dropbox command-line interface.

E.g. (2024.09.05):

$ dropbox version

Dropbox daemon version: 206.4.6506
Dropbox command-line interface version: 2024.04.17

See also