Database model - Product data
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Product data - Short variant
WooCommerce product information is mainly found in two places [1]:
- wp_posts
- wp_postmeta
Example: Select the key data from wp_posts and the SKUs from wp_postmeta:
select wp_posts.ID as post_id, wp_posts.post_title as post_title, wp_posts.post_name as slug, wp_posts.post_content as content, # =product description wp_postmeta.meta_value as sku from wp_posts join wp_postmeta on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id where post_type="product" and post_status="publish" and meta_key="_sku";
Product data - With sku & sku_oem
- Field
is stored in tablewp_postmeta
with key_sku
- Field
is stored in tablewp_postmeta
with keysku_oem
- Since we need to include two things from the same table, a self-join (?) is needed: Twice the same relation but under different names - Confusing stuff
select wp_posts.ID as post_id, wp_posts.post_title as post_title, wp_postmeta.meta_value as sku, wp_postmeta_02.meta_value as sku_oem from wp_posts join wp_postmeta on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_02 on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_02.post_id where post_type="product" and post_status="publish" and wp_postmeta.meta_key="_sku" and wp_postmeta_02.meta_key="sku_oem";
Product data - With sku, sku_oem & prices
In this case, both _price
and _regular_price
contains the same price. However, I think only one of these fields is actually used (I don't know which one right now).
select wp_posts.ID as post_id, wp_posts.post_title as post_title, wp_postmeta.meta_value as sku, wp_postmeta_02.meta_value as sku_oem, wp_postmeta_03.meta_value as price from wp_posts join wp_postmeta on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_02 on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_02.post_id join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_03 on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_03.post_id where post_type="product" and post_status="publish" and wp_postmeta.meta_key="_sku" and wp_postmeta_02.meta_key="sku_oem" and wp_postmeta_02.meta_value="1824" and ( wp_postmeta_03.meta_key="_price" or wp_postmeta_03.meta_key="_regular_price" );
With these two price-related fields both included in the output:
select wp_posts.ID as post_id, wp_posts.post_title as post_title, wp_postmeta.meta_value as sku, wp_postmeta_02.meta_value as sku_oem, wp_postmeta_03.meta_value as price, wp_postmeta_04.meta_value as price_regular from wp_posts join wp_postmeta on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_02 on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_02.post_id join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_03 on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_03.post_id join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_04 on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_04.post_id where post_type="product" and post_status="publish" and wp_postmeta.meta_key="_sku" and wp_postmeta_02.meta_key="sku_oem" and wp_postmeta_03.meta_key="_price" and wp_postmeta_04.meta_key="_regular_price";
Product data - Long variant
- Includes primary and secondary image, price + explanation, but without taxonomic information
- MISSING: Short product description of Yoast (in its own Yoast table)
- Note that most of the constraints on the self-joins, are included as relations, not as WHERE-clauses. This might be less confusing for now everything related to a relation, is located at the same spot.
# # Example: Retrieve all product data ################################################################################ # use wp_tmp; # # ################################################################################ # Select ################################################################################ # select as post_id, wp_posts.post_title as post_title, wp_posts.post_name as slug, wp_posts.post_content as content, wp_posts.guid as guid, wp_postmeta.meta_value as sku, wp_postmeta_03.meta_value as thumbnail_path, wp_postmeta_05.meta_value as second_image_path, wp_postmeta_06.meta_value as price from wp_posts # Join 01 on wp_postmete: "sku" ############################################################ # left join wp_postmeta on = wp_postmeta.post_id # Join 02 on wp_postmeta: "_thumbnail_id" ############################################################ # # "_thumbnail_id" on its turn, is a wp_postmeta.product_id # left join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_02 on wp_postmeta_02.post_id = and wp_postmeta_02.meta_key = "_thumbnail_id" # Join 03 on wp_postmeta: thumbnail-path ############################################################ # # This join is different from the two below, as it is a # double join: It retrieves the meta_id for the thumbnail- # attachment # left join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_03 on wp_postmeta_03.post_id = wp_postmeta_02.meta_value and wp_postmeta_03.meta_key = "_wp_attached_file" # Join 04 on wp_postmeta: "_product_image_gallery" ############################################################ # # Retrieve the meta_value for "_product_image_gallery": # It is the post_id of everything related to the second # image # left join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_04 on wp_postmeta_04.post_id = and wp_postmeta_04.meta_key = "_product_image_gallery" # Join 05 on wp_postmeta: "_product_image_gallery" ############################################################ # # Retrieve the meta_value for "_product_image_gallery": # It is the post_id of everything related to the second # image # left join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_05 on wp_postmeta_05.post_id = wp_postmeta_04.meta_value and wp_postmeta_05.meta_key = "_wp_attached_file" # Join 06 on wp_postmeta: "_price" ############################################################ # # "_price" and "_regular_price" seem always identical → Only # fetch the first one # left join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_06 on wp_postmeta_06.post_id = and wp_postmeta_06.meta_key = "_price" # Where clause ############################################################ # where post_type="product" and post_status="publish" and wp_postmeta.meta_key="_sku" # Limit ############################################################ # limit 0, 10;
Product data - Figuring out missing images
Missing data from gMC was imported into table missing_image
. How this was connected to existing data:
# # Missing images - Overview, diagnosis, etc. ################################################################################ # # ################################################################################ # Select db ################################################################################ # use tmp; ################################################################################ # Retrieve all info ################################################################################ # select missing_image.title as gmc_title, missing_image.image_link as gmc_image_url, missing_image.file_name as gmc_file_name, wp_posts.ID as wp_post_id, concat("",wp_posts.post_name) as wp_product_url, wp_postmeta_sku.meta_value as wp_sku, wp_postmeta_sku_oem.meta_value as wp_sku_oem, concat("",wp_postmeta_thumbnail_path.meta_value) as wp_image_url from missing_image join wp_posts on missing_image.title = wp_posts.post_title join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_sku on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_sku.post_id join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_sku_oem on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_sku_oem.post_id join # # Retrieve _thumbnail_id # wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_thumbnail_id on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_thumbnail_id.post_id join # # Retrieve _thumbnail-path # wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_thumbnail_path on wp_postmeta_thumbnail_path.post_id = wp_postmeta_thumbnail_id.meta_value where wp_postmeta_sku.meta_key = "_sku" and wp_postmeta_sku_oem.meta_key = "sku_oem" and wp_postmeta_thumbnail_id.meta_key = "_thumbnail_id" and wp_postmeta_thumbnail_path.meta_key = "_wp_attached_file";
Product data - Retrieve all unique meta_keys
For situations where I can't remember the exact meta_key
that I'm looking for:
################################################################################ # Retrieve all distinct meta_keys for products ################################################################################ # select distinct meta_key from wp_postmeta join wp_posts on wp_postmeta.post_id = wp_posts.ID where wp_posts.post_type="product";
Product data - All products without EAN
################################################################################ # Retrieve all products without EAN ################################################################################ # select ID, wp_postmeta_sku.meta_value as sku, post_title from wp_posts left join wp_postmeta on wp_postmeta.post_id = wp_posts.ID and wp_postmeta.meta_key like "%ean" join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_sku on wp_postmeta_sku.post_id = wp_posts.ID and wp_postmeta_sku.meta_key like "%sku" where wp_posts.post_type="product" and ( wp_postmeta.meta_value is null or wp_postmeta.meta_value = "" );
Product data - All content
Retrieve all content to check translations. So no figures or numbers. Only text. The resulting query is suprisingly small:
################################################################################ # Retrieve all product-related content ################################################################################ # select wp_posts.ID, wp_posts.post_name, wp_posts.post_title, wp_posts.post_content, wp_posts.post_excerpt, wp_postmeta_post_tools.meta_value as post_tools, wp_postmeta_focuskw.meta_value as yoast_focuskw # # wp_postmeta.meta_key, # wp_postmeta.meta_value # from wp_posts join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_focuskw on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_focuskw.post_id join wp_postmeta as wp_postmeta_post_tools on wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta_post_tools.post_id # # join # wp_postmeta # on # wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id # where wp_posts.post_type="product" and wp_posts.post_status="publish" and wp_postmeta_focuskw.meta_key="_yoast_wpseo_focuskw" and wp_postmeta_post_tools.meta_key="post_tools";