International payments in złoty

Uit De Vliegende Brigade
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I'm from The Netherlands. What is the most cost-effective way to pay a large amount in Polish złoty (PLN)?

Last updated: Dec. 2021.

What is the 'actual' exchange rate?

In the autumn of 2021, I phoned Rabobank to ask them how to pay a large amount in PLN and how this all works. Amongst others, they explained me that there is basically just one exchange rate, and that they use this exchange rate + an offset.

Since then, I came to doubt if it is very practical to look at exchange rates in this way, as I see everywhere different amounts, some wildly different.

Anyhow, this 'basic exchange rate' is what you see e.g., on Google

Payment from a Dutch euro account to a Polish złoty account

Example R. - 2021.12.10

The receiving party send me this - Very helpful!

I payed from my Dutch Rabobank account to a Polish Alior Bank account. What this statements says:

  • The receiving bank determins the exchange rate (you can't actually see that here, but trust me)
  • Alior exchange rate: 4,402800. The a