Drush si

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drush si oftewel drush site-install verzorgt de installatieprocedure van een Drupal-site.

Voorbeeld Drupal 8 met bestaand MySQL-account

  • Je moet eerst Drupal downloaden
  • Standaard maakt drush sl een database aan, of leegt deze, als-ie al bestaat
  • Let op: In dit geval betreffen $database_gebruiker en $database_wachtwoord een al bestaand MySQL-account. Vaak is die situatie anders
# Download Drupal
if [ "$download_drupal" = true ]; then

	drush dl drupal-8 --destination=$root --drupal-project-rename
	mv $root/drupal/* $root
	mv $root/drupal/.* $root
	rmdir $root/drupal


# Installeer Drupal
if [ "$installeer_drupal" = true ]; then

	cd $root
	drush si --db-url=mysql://$database_gebruiker:$database_wachtwoord@localhost/$database_naam



You are about to create a /var/www/dc8/sites/default/settings.php file and CREATE the 'dc8' database. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while. Consider using the --notify global option.                                                                                                                          [ok]
Installation complete.  User name: admin  User password: uKYpsdsjAxM7H                                                                                                                                                   [ok]
Congratulations, you installed Drupal!           

Als ik het script nog een keer uitvoert, wordt de database overschreven:

You are about to DROP all tables in your 'dc8' database. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while. Consider using the --notify global option.                                                                                                                          [ok]
Installation complete.  User name: admin  User password: TqjonatzpK                                                                                                                                                   [ok]
Congratulations, you installed Drupal!        

Voorbeeld Drupal 7: Installatiebug omzeilen

Een specifieke toepassing van drush si is om de 'installatiebug' in Drupal 7 te omzeilen. Dit script is zo simpel mogelijk: De bestanden staan al op de juiste plek, en er is ook al een database aangemaakt. Er hoeft geen beheerder-account aangemaakt te worden:


# Variabelen initialiseren


# Deploy
# Change working directory
cd $locatie

# Deploy
drush si --db-url=mysql://$databasegebruiker:$databasewachtwoord@localhost/$databasenaam


You are about to DROP all tables in your 'examplebase' database. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
No tables to drop.

Starting Drupal installation. This takes a few seconds ...                                                                                                                                                            [ok]
Installation complete.  User name: admin  User password: rDZJg8jSk3


Appendix: help-bestand drush si (Drupal 7 & 8)

drush si -h
Install Drupal along with modules/themes/configuration using the specified install profile.

 drush site-install expert --locale=uk     (Re)install using the expert install profile. Set default language  
                                           to Ukranian.                                                        
 drush site-install                        Install using the specified DB params.                              
 drush site-install                        Install using SQLite (D7+ only).                                    
 drush site-install --account-name=joe     Re-install with specified uid1 credentials.                         
 drush site-install standard               Pass additional arguments to the profile (D7 example shown here -   
 install_configure_form.site_default_coun  for D6, omit the form id).                                          
 drush site-install                        Disable email notification during install and later. If your server 
 install_configure_form.update_status_mod  has no smtp, this gets rid of an error during install.              

 profile                                   the install profile you wish to run. defaults to 'default' in D6,   
                                           'standard' in D7+                                                   
 key=value...                              any additional settings you wish to pass to the profile. Fully      
                                           supported on D7+, partially supported on D6 (single step configure  
                                           forms only). The key is in the form [form name].[parameter name] on 
                                           D7 or just [parameter name] on D6.                                  

 --account-mail                            uid1 email. Defaults to admin@example.com                          
 --account-name                            uid1 name. Defaults to admin                                       
 --account-pass                            uid1 pass. Defaults to a randomly generated password. If desired,  
                                           set a fixed password in drushrc.php.                               
 --clean-url                               Defaults to 1                                                      
 --db-prefix                               An optional table prefix to use for initial install.  Can be a     
                                           key-value array of tables/prefixes in a drushrc file (not the      
                                           command line).                                                     
 --db-su=<root>                            Account to use when creating a new database. Must have Grant       
                                           permission (mysql only). Optional.                                 
 --db-su-pw=<pass>                         Password for the "db-su" account. Optional.                        
 --db-url=<mysql://root:pass@  A Drupal 6 style database URL. Only required for initial install - 
 >                                         not re-install.                                                    
 --locale=<en-GB>                          A short language code. Sets the default site language. Language    
                                           files must already be present. You may use download command to get 
 --site-mail                               From: for system mailings. Defaults to admin@example.com           
 --site-name                               Defaults to Site-Install                                           
 --sites-subdir=<directory_name>           Name of directory under 'sites' which should be created. Only      
                                           needed when the subdirectory does not already exist. Defaults to   

Aliases: si