Drush dl

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Met drush dl download je een installatie. Bv.:

drush dl drupal --v

Waarbij --v staat voor verbose.

Drupal downloaden naar een specifieke map (Drupal 7 & 8)

Er wordt altijd een map aangemaakt waarin de gedownloade bestanden worden geplaatst. Dat krijg ik niet veranderd, ook niet met parameters


De oplossing is gelukkig eenvoudig. Bv.:

drush dl drupal-8 --destination=$root --drupal-project-rename   # map heet nu 'drupal'
mv $root/drupal/* $root                                         # Verplaats alles naar 1 niveau hoger
mv $root/drupal/.* $root                                        # Verplaats dot-files naar 1 niveau hoger → Werkt niet (detail)
rmdir $root/drupal                                              # Verwijder lege map 'drupal'


Appendix: drush dl -h (Drupal 7)

Download Drupal core or projects from drupal.org (Drupal core, modules, themes or profiles) and other sources.
It will automatically figure out which project version you want based on its recommended release, or you may
specify a particular version.

If no --destination is provided, then destination depends on the project type:
  - Profiles will be downloaded to profiles/ in your Drupal root.
  - Modules and themes will be downloaded to the site specific directory (sites/example.com/modules|themes) if
available, or to sites/all/modules|themes.
  - If you're downloading drupal core or you are not running the command within a bootstrapped drupal site, the
default location is the current directory.
  - Drush commands will be relocated to /usr/share/drush/commands (if available) or ~/.drush. Relocation is
determined once the project is downloaded by examining its content. Note you can provide your own function in a
commandfile to determine the relocation of any project.

 drush dl drupal                           Download latest recommended release of Drupal core.                
 drush dl drupal-7.x                       Download latest 7.x development version of Drupal core.            
 drush dl drupal-6                         Download latest recommended release of Drupal 6.x.                 
 drush dl cck zen                          Download latest versions of CCK and Zen projects.                  
 drush dl og-1.3                           Download a specfic version of Organic groups module for my version 
                                           of Drupal.                                                         
 drush dl diff-6.x-2.x                     Download a specific development branch of diff module for a        
                                           specific Drupal version.                                           
 drush dl views --select                   Show a list of recent releases of the views project, prompt for    
                                           which one to download.                                             
 drush dl webform --dev                    Download the latest dev release of webform.                        
 drush dl webform --cache                  Download webform. Fetch and populate the download cache as needed. 

 projects                                  A comma delimited list of drupal.org project names, with optional 
                                           version. Defaults to 'drupal'                                     

 --cache                                   Cache release XML and tarballs or git clones. Git clones use git's  
                                           --reference option.                                                 
   --cache-duration-releasexml             Expire duration (in seconds) for release XML. Defaults to 86400 (24 
 --default-major=<6>                       Specify the default major version of modules to download when there 
                                           is no bootstrapped Drupal site.  Defaults to "7".                   
 --destination=<path>                      Path to which the project will be copied. If you're providing a     
                                           relative path, note it is relative to the drupal root (if           
 --dev                                     Work with development releases solely.                              
 --drupal-project-rename                   Alternate name for "drupal-x.y" directory when downloading Drupal   
                                           project. Defaults to "drupal".                                      
 --notes                                   Show release notes after each project is downloaded.                
 --pipe                                    Returns a list of the names of the extensions (modules and themes)  
                                           contained in the downloaded projects.                               
 --select                                  Select the version to download interactively from a list of         
                                           available releases.                                                 
   --all                                   Shows all available releases instead of a short list of recent      
 --skip                                    Skip automatic downloading of libraries (c.f. devel).               
 --source                                  The base URL which provides project release history in XML.         
                                           Defaults to http://updates.drupal.org/release-history.              
 --use-site-dir                            Force to use the site specific directory. It will create the        
                                           directory if it doesn't exist. If --destination is also present     
                                           this option will be ignored.                                        
 --variant=<full>                          Only useful for install profiles. Possible values: 'full',          
                                           'projects', 'profile-only'.                                         
 --package-handler=wget                    Default package_handler engine. Download project packages using     
                                           wget or curl.                                                       
 --package-handler=git_drupalorg           Use git.drupal.org to checkout and update projects.                 
   --gitusername                           Your git username as shown on user/[uid]/edit/git. Typically, this  
                                           is set this in drushrc.php. Omitting this prevents users from       
                                           pushing changes back to git.drupal.org.                             
   --gitsubmodule                          Use git submodules for checking out new projects. Existing git      
                                           checkouts are unaffected, and will continue to (not) use submodules 
                                           regardless of this setting.                                         
     --gitsubmoduleaddparams               Add options to the `git submodule add` command.                     
   --gitcheckoutparams                     Add options to the `git checkout` command.                          
   --gitcloneparams                        Add options to the `git clone` command.                             
   --gitfetchparams                        Add options to the `git fetch` command.                             
   --gitpullparams                         Add options to the `git pull` command.                              
   --gitinfofile                           Inject version info into each .info file.                           
 --version-control=svn                     Quickly add/remove/commit your project changes to Subversion.       
   --svnsync                               Automatically add new files to the SVN repository and remove        
                                           deleted files. Caution.                                             
   --svncommit                             Automatically commit changes to SVN repository. You must also using 
                                           the --svnsync option.                                               
     --svnmessage                          Override default commit message which is: Drush automatic commit:   
                                           <the drush command line used>                                       
   --svnstatusparams                       Add options to the 'svn status' command                             
   --svnaddparams                          Add options to the `svn add` command                                
   --svnremoveparams                       Add options to the `svn remove` command                             
   --svnrevertparams                       Add options to the `svn revert` command                             
   --svncommitparams                       Add options to the `svn commit` command                             
 --version-control=backup                  Default version_control engine. Backup all project files before     
   --no-backup                             Do not perform backups.                                             
   --backup-dir                            Specify a directory to backup projects into. Defaults to            
                                           drush-backups within the home directory of the user running the     
                                           command. It is forbidden to specify a directory inside your drupal  
 --version-control=bzr                     Quickly add/remove/commit your project changes to Bazaar.           
   --bzrsync                               Automatically add new files to the Bazaar repository and remove     
                                           deleted files. Caution.                                             
   --bzrcommit                             Automatically commit changes to Bazaar repository. You must also    
                                           use the --bzrsync option.                                           
     --bzrmessage                          Override default commit message which is: Drush automatic commit.   
                                           Project <name> <type> Command: <the drush command line used>        

Aliases: dl