Buy box (Amazon)

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Dit is de Buy Box. Met dank aan
Dit account kan niet adverteren omdat het niet in aanmerking komt voor de Buy Box. De reden: Het account is nog te jong: Er zijn nog geen seller metrics beschikbaar

De Amazon Buy Box is het venster rechts op diverse pagina's waarin een product wordt aangeprijst. Er is altijd maar één Buy Box per product. Als er bv. vijf aanbieders zijn van een bepaald product, is de kans groot dat het product in de Buy Box, uiteindelijk gekocht wordt. Ook om te kunnen adverteren op Amazon, speelt de Buy Box een rol: Enkel producten die de Buy Box hebben verovert, komen in aanmerking voor advertenties.

Zie ook Advertentiecampagnes (Amazon).

Wat het is

Wat Amazon er zelf over zegt:

The Buy Box is the box on a product detail page where customers can begin the purchasing process 
by adding items to their shopping carts.

A key feature of the Amazon website is that the same product can be sold by several sellers. If 
several sellers offer the same product in "new" condition, they may be eligible to compete for 
the Buy Box for that product.

To give customers the best possible shopping experience, sellers must meet performance-based 
requirements to be eligible to compete for Buy Box placement. For many sellers, Buy Box placement 
can lead to increased sales.

* Note: Books and video (VHS) listings are not eligible to appear in the Buy Box on the product 
  detail page.
* Note: Seller offerings for Music and DVD products are eligible for the Buy Box if fulfilled 
  through Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA). Books and video (VHS) listings are not eligible to appear 
  in the Buy Box on the product detail page.

Product placement:

When you place your products in the Amazon catalog, anyone browsing Amazon can find and buy them. 
When customers find what they want, they can put the product into their shopping basket (and 
ultimately purchase the product) using one of three methods:

* By clicking the Add to Basket button in the Buy Box.
* By browsing seller offerings in the More Buying Choices box and then clicking the Add to Basket 
  button next to the seller from whom they want to purchase the product.
* By clicking the "used & new" link, browsing all offerings for the item, and then clicking the 
  Add to Basket button next to the seller from which they want to purchase the product.

  Note: If there are no used listings, the link will say "# new".

After the Buy Box winner is selected, offers from up to three further qualifying sellers are 
displayed in the More Buying Choices box on the product detail page. The remaining seller offers 
are available to customers who click the new & used (or new) link at the bottom of the More 
Buying Choices box to go to the offer listing page.

Hoe het wordt gemeten

Vergelijkbaar met Quality Score op AdWords, is de Buy Box een indicatie van de algehele ervaring die de klant heeft met de betreffende producten en leveranciers:

Since seller performance requirements can vary by category and are subject to change, we do not
disclose specific targets needed to become an eligible seller; however, becoming an eligible 
seller requires meeting very high standards, and excelling in the qualifying criteria is the best 
way to work toward achieving this status. If you are an eligible seller, you can increase your 
chances of winning the Buy Box by following these guidelines.

Hieronder worden alle factoren genoemd. Daarnaast moet je aan de volgende factoren voldoen, om überhaupt in aanmerking te komen:

  • FBA - Dan voldoe je in één keer
  • Soort verkoopaccount: Je moet een professional account hebben
  • Seller metrics: Order Defect Rate (ODR)
  • Seller metrics: Cancellation Rate
  • Seller metrics: Late Shipment Rate
  • Voldoende volume gerealiseerd: Pas als je voldoende orders hebt verwerkt, kom je in aanmerking. De hoeveelheid verschilt per productsoort.


volume-vereisten voor Premium Delivery Eligibility

Je moet voldoende volume behalen om Amazon in staat te stellen de kwaliteit te meten. Dat volume verschilt per productgroep, maar wordt nergens vermeld. Een ander kwaliteitscriterium is Premum Delivery Eligibility. De schermafdruk hiernaast laat zien dat je hiervoor minimaal 10 orders in de afgelopen 30 dagen moet hebben behaald. Wellicht is dat een aardige richtlijn tav. Buy Box-volume.


  • Since we look at the price the customer will pay (price + shipping), make sure you price your products competitively, including the shipping rates. The lowest price doesn't guarantee winning the Buy Box, as pricing is just one factor that is evaluated
  • On the Manage Inventory page, you can view the price of the offer that is currently winning the Buy Box. In order to view the Buy Box price column, go to the Preferences page and enable display of the column. Buy Box prices are only displayed for "New" listings.


  • Keep stock available: If you have no current stock for a product, you cannot win the Buy Box. Use Seller Best Practices to keep your popular products in stock
  • Update your inventory: Customers who submit orders for products that are not in stock are likely to leave negative feedback, especially around the holidays. To ensure that buyers cannot place orders for out-of-stock items, keep your inventory updated.


Offer multiple shipping options on your products, including free shipping. You can manage your available shipping options on your Current Shipping Rates and Settings page in Seller Central.

Seller metrics - Perfect order performace (POP)

Hebben ze die term zelf bedacht?

Seller metrics - Order Defect Rate (ODR)

Seller metrics - Cancellation Rate

Seller metrics - Late Shipment Rate

Seller metrics - Percentage of orders refunded


FBA versus zelf verschepen - FBA scoort veel hoger. Da's ook wel logisch, want verscheping gaat doorgaans sneller en met een gegarandeerde kwaliteit

Hoe lang je al verkoopt

Yep: Dat is ook een factor helmaal onderaan de pagina.

Hoe je 'm wint

  • Zorg dat je prijzen ok zijn
  • Behaal voldoende volume
  • Biedt snelle verzending aan, plus prime en fee shipping
  • Lever een goede klantervaring aka. seller metrics
  • Houd voldoende voorraad aan.
